The New Santa Ana Park Security program that the City Council approved is expected to start in mid-September.
City staff is meeting with Allied Security Service on September to confirm a deployment date and discuss logistics. On a daily basis, six-security officers will patrol all City Parks, Bike Trails, and the Santiago Creek. Each security officer will have a vehicle and uniform that includes the City of Santa Ana logo. Security officer duties include foot patrol of restrooms, community centers, pool areas, playground areas, parking lots, sport field/court areas, skate parks, and any other amenities within assigned areas.
The expectation for security officers is to provide continual patrol to deter vandalism, theft, illegal activities, non-approved use of parks, break-ins to site facilities, and loitering in the parks after closing.
Each night, security officers will lock park restrooms and parking lot gates when the park is closed. In addition, a security officer supervisor will work in coordination with City staff (1 from Parks and Recreation and 1 from Parks and Facilities Divisions) regarding patrol schedules, issues, solutions, etc.
More information to follow regarding a deployment date.
What about local neighborhood parks likec Frenk Park where there have been issues with drugs, homeless, thefts, and car breakins.