Although the Governor’s Regional Stay Home Order has been lifted, Santa Ana (and the rest of Orange County) must still follow public health guidance to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Help us to continue “trending” in the right direction; remember to wear your mask when you leave your home, limit your contact with others, and practice good hygiene.
Santa Ana COVID-19 Vaccination Site Coming; Testing Site RelocatingA COVID-19 vaccination site will soon be opening at Santa Ana College. This is exciting and much-anticipated news! We will share more details when available. In the meantime, Santa Ana residents should sign up now on the County of Orange’s vaccination appointment website, Othena, in order to get an appointment when one becomes available. All vaccination points of distribution provided by the County are by appointment only. Go to www.othena.com.
In preparation for this, the City’s COVID-19 testing operation that recently opened at Santa Ana College is temporarily closing on Friday, February 12, in order to relocate. Testing will be available again beginning Tuesday, February 16, by appointment at five kiosks located around the City. Make an appointment at https://sna.epiconnector.com/covid or call (800) 446-8888.
Free Food Distribution in Santa AnaAre you or your household in need of food?

Visit our website to find out locations for free food distribution locations in Santa Ana, as well as senior meals and other food resources.
No Special Events.
The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily changed the way we interact with each other (i.e., we must practice physical distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19). One of the outcomes of this change is that the City of Santa Ana is temporarily not authorizing any special events, particularly special events that require special event permits. I encourage you to visit the State of California’s website to find out which activities are allowed to take place safely to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

UC Irvine COVID-19 Online Chat
Do you have questions about COVID-19? Chat with a UC Irvine chatline operator online to help answer your questions. The chatline is available Sunday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The chatline is not for medical advice. Specific medical questions should be directed to a medical provider.