Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Press Release, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 3, 2010
CONTACT: Karen Roper (714) 480-2805, cell (714) 423-8315


(Santa Ana, CA) – The County of Orange Armory Emergency Shelter Program is scheduled to open at alternate sites on December 6, 2010 until the California National Guard Armory locations become available for use later in the month (maps attached). The program is anticipated to open at the Fullerton and Santa Ana Armory locations on December 13, 2010 (address information attached). The seasonal emergency shelter program provides up to 400 beds for homeless families and individuals. The program provides shelter to families and individuals along with a nutritious meal, warm shower, safe place to sleep, warm clothes, a wide variety of supportive services, and a friendly and safe atmosphere.

The Armory Emergency Shelter Program is a vital link in our community’s efforts to take care of those who lack proper shelter at night and to provide needed services to families and individuals. The Armory Emergency Shelter Program is possible due to the help of hundreds of volunteers from County agencies, churches, and other community groups.

In addition, the following agencies provide on-site services aimed at breaking the cycle of homelessness and moving families and individuals to self-sufficiency and independent living: Orange County Health Care Agency, Orange County Social Services Agency, Salvation Army, Veteran’s First, Serving People In Need, Mental Health Association of Orange County, Public Law Center, Orange County Rescue Mission, 2-1-1 Orange County, and many others. Donations from other non-profit organizations, churches, and individuals add to the available resources to make this program a success. The program is operated by Mercy House through a contract with the County of Orange, OC Community Services.

“This program fills a critical gap in Orange County’s Continuum of Care system for the homeless,” stated Karen Roper, Director of OC Community Services.

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Orange County Armory Emergency Shelter Program 2010 – 2011


The Orange County Armory Emergency Shelter program provides up to 400 beds per night for the homeless at the National Guard Armories in Fullerton and Santa Ana. The homeless will receive a nutritious meal, a warm shower and a safe place to sleep. Volunteers will distribute donations of warm clothing, and service providers from Orange County will be onsite to provide needed services.

DATES: The program will begin operations at alternate sites on December 6, 2010 (see attached map).
The opening date at the Fullerton site is December 13, 2010.
The opening date at the Santa Ana site is December 13, 2010.


Santa Ana Armory – 612 East Warner (Warner / Main)
Fullerton Armory – 400 South Brookhurst (Brookhurst / Valencia)

BUS PICK UP LOCATIONS: (There will be pick-up at these sites on dark nights)

Fullerton: Santa Ana:
N. La Palma Park Way, Anaheim Pick-Up #1 5:00 p.m.
Near La Palma Park Stadium Flower & Civic Center – near
and across from Goodwill 6th Street, Santa Ana

Pick Up #2 5:30 p.m.
1901 N. Walnut, Santa Ana


The National Guard Armories are not available for use a few nights per month. On these “dark nights,” clients will be sheltered at alternate sites.

For more information, please contact:

Santa Ana site: Michael Escarcida at (714) 836-7188 ext. 108 or

Fullerton site: James Brooks at (714) 836-7188 ext. 107 or

ARMORY Wish List

Mercy House is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to be the leader in ending homelessness by providing a unique system of dignified housing alternatives, programs, and supportive services.

The Armory program provides up to 400 beds per night for the homeless in Fullerton and Santa Ana.

For Individuals & Families:


 Shampoo & Conditioner
 Soap
 Laundry Detergent
 Deodorant
 Purell
 Diapers (4-6)
 Pull-ups
 Baby Wipes
 Razors & Shaving Cream
 Cologne
 Combs & Hair Brushes
 Toothbrush & Toothpaste
 Dental Floss & Mouthwash
 Band Aids
 Body Lotion
 Feminine Hygiene Products


 T-Shirts (L ,XL, XXL)
 Sweatshirts (L, XL, XXL)
 Socks
 New Undergarments (in packaging)
 Gloves
 Mittens
 Warm Clothing (men, women & children sizes)


 Snack Foods
 Dry Foods
 Muffins
 Donuts
 Cookies
 Health Bars
 Candy
 Popcorn
 Peanuts
 Sack Lunches/Breakfast

The Santa Ana Armory Emergency Shelter will be opening Monday, December 6th through Wednesday, December 12th at:

First United Methodist Church in Santa Ana, CA.
609 N Spurgeon St, Santa Ana, CA

Clients should still go to bus pick up sites.
They will be transported to the alternate site. Pick up starts at by 5:30 pm.
No shopping carts allowed.

Santa Ana Pick Up #1:

1901 N. Walnut, Santa Ana

Santa Ana Pick Up #2:

Flower & Civic Center – near 6th St, Santa Ana

For general information please call (714) 836-7188 ext. 131.    For more information please contact Michael Escarcida (714) 454-3629 after 6 pm.

The Fullerton Armory Emergency Shelter will be opening Monday, December 6th through Wednesday, December 12th at:

First Evangelical Free Church
2801 N. Brea Blvd, Fullerton
North Campus
Located on Brea Blvd north of Rolling Hills Drive
(not located within the gym)
See campus map on other side of this flyer

Clients can STILL go to the same bus pick up site.
They will be transported to the alternate site. Pick-up starts at 5pm.
No shopping carts allowed.

Fullerton Armory Pick-up location:
N. La Palma Park Way, Anaheim
Near La Palma Park Stadium and across from Goodwill

For general information, please call (714) 836-7188 ext. 131
For more information please contact James Brooks: 714-478-1889 after 6pm

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

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