Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

SANTA ANA, Calif. (October 7, 2020) – A newly released analysis reveals a harsh landscape for Orange County’s working parents hoping to find affordable child care, especially for those who need it for their infants or toddlers: There are currently only enough licensed slots to care for 5 percent of the county’s children between the ages of 0 and 2.

Meanwhile, the Orange County Child Care Landscape Analysis – directed by First 5 Orange County, Children and Families Commission – found that even if only one-third of infants and toddlers in Orange County required child care, there would still only be enough licensed capacity for one in seven children. Exacerbating the lack of licensed child care spots, many Orange County working families are stymied by the high price of care, which average $15,650 yearly for one child and more than $26,000 for two children in full-time, licensed care.  The high price of care and lack of availability are functions of the high costs to deliver care, and other factors included in the full report.

And the COVID-19 pandemic has only deepened the crisis. Nearly half of Orange County’s child care providers closed their programs from mid-March to early June, and then began reopening with new requirements and reduced capacities to maintain social distancing guidelines.

“Young children’s brains are staggeringly busy and grow exponentially every day, making over one million neural connections literally every second,” said Ramin Baschshi, M.D., chair of First 5 Orange County, Children and Families Commission. “Quality child care is critically important because it supports children’s emotional, social and cognitive development. It is incumbent upon all of us to work together to increase quality child care, especially for the county’s most vulnerable families who are often working several jobs to keep food on the table.”

Kimberly Goll, president and chief executive officer of First 5 Orange County, said: “Quality care that is both affordable and accessible is a critical component of parents’ and other caregivers’ ability to continue to participate in the workforce. Our analysis has found significant challenges in families’ abilities not only to find, but also afford, such care.”

Goll continued: “We’re calling on all sectors of the Orange County community – parents, child care providers, business and civic leaders – to join us as we work toward finding solutions to an issue that ultimately impacts all of us as a community.”

Released today following more than 6-months of research and analysis, the Orange County Child Care Landscape Analysis is the first phase of a three-phase initiative that First 5 Orange County officials hope will lead to policy recommendations and solutions at the local and state levels aimed at substantially increasing both the quantity and affordability of quality child care.

During the first phase analysis, First 5 Orange County sought to understand the availability and type of child care offered for young children in Orange County; the flow of public funding entering the county; and the key providers and partners involved in providing child care. The study involved extensive input and data gathering from child care providers and other key stakeholders. One family child care provider in Anaheim noted, “What we [family child care providers] hear the most is the need for infant care and nontraditional hours. We are located in Anaheim and are open nearly 24/7. We are not open on Sundays but we consistently have a lot of demand for weekends.”

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, First 5 Orange County was already exploring ways to address the county’s great need for infant and toddler child care. As more families and child care facilities were impacted by COVID-19, it became clear that the child care system – while a critical underpinning to the local economy – is fragile and ripe for systemwide improvements.

In response to the pandemic, First 5 Orange County used its vast network to bolster support for child care facilities.  Measures ranged from procuring essential supplies and personal protective equipment for child care centers, to creating a resources webpage to assist families with young children in categories that included Connection to Services, Health and Mental Health, Child Care, Food & Supplies, and Tips for Talking to Your Child About COVID-19.

During the second phase, which is currently underway, First 5 Orange County is investigating the impacts the child care crisis is having on Orange County employers and the county’s economy, including the negative effects on businesses as employees are forced to disrupt their work schedules or even abandon the workforce – and may ultimately put caregivers careers on hold – due to child care issues. They’re also exploring in-depth the crisis’ direct emotional and financial impacts on working parents and caregivers.

It is already becoming apparent that the impacts on businesses and individuals’ careers are substantial, according to Lucy Dunn, president and chief executive officer of the Orange County Business Council.

“Even from First 5 Orange County’s initial analysis, we are starting to realize the breadth of the negative impacts this issue is having on employers and workers alike,” Dunn said. “Not only are we finding that many people need to remove themselves from the workforce altogether, but also that employers are impacted when their workforce is late or needs to leave early because of child care issues. A lack of quality affordable child care is having a significant impact on employees’ lives and livelihoods, on businesses and productivity, and on our community as a whole.”

The third and final phase of the initiative will entail developing a series of recommendations that will ultimately help solve the county’s child care crisis. Officials expect to present their full findings and recommendations sometime in 2021.

Following are just a few of the analysis’ first-phase findings:

  • In 60 percent of Orange County households with children ages 0-4, all parents/caregivers are working. This tracks closely with the statewide trend of slightly more than 61 percent in households with children 0-5
  • There are approximately 21 children age 0-2 for every licensed child care slot available; put another way, there are only enough licensed slots for 5 percent of Orange County’s current population of infants and toddlers
  • Conversely, there are 1.5 preschool-age children (3-4 years old) for every available licensed child care slot
  • For families lucky enough to find child care, they spend on average approximately 26 percent of their income to cover full-time care for two young children; 10 percent is considered “affordable”
  • Subsidized programs based on income eligibility are important because they provide access to care for the county’s most vulnerable children
  • The economics of caring for infants/toddlers present significant challenges for providers: The costs are high, and reimbursement rates do not cover costs and are a disincentive for providers, even if they want to serve young children.

The Orange County Child Care Landscape Analysis contains additional data-rich information about the child care landscape in Orange County. Read the report in its entirety here.

About First 5 Orange County, Children and Families Commission

First 5 Orange County, Children and Families Commission oversees the allocation of funds from Proposition 10, which added a 50-cent tax on tobacco products sold in California. In fiscal year 2019/20, First 5 Orange County provided children ages 0 to 5 years and their families more than 2.1 million services. Funds help pay for early education, pediatric primary and specialty health care, children’s dental care, homeless prevention, and child development programs for children from the prenatal stage to age 5 and their families. First 5 Orange County’s vision is that all children reach their full potential. For more information, visit

Los padres que trabajan en el Condado de Orange enfrentan muchas dificultades para encontrar cuidado asequible para sus hijos, según un nuevo estudio

• El análisis de First 5 Orange County constituye la primera parte de una iniciativa de tres fases diseñada para saber cuál es la disponibilidad y el tipo de cuidado infantil que se brinda a los niños pequeños en el Condado de Orange; el flujo de fondos públicos que ingresan al condado y los proveedores y socios clave que participan en la provisión de cuidado infantil.

• A medida que más familias e instalaciones de cuidado infantil se vieron afectadas por el COVID-19, quedó claro que el sistema de cuidado infantil, aunque es un pilar fundamental de la economía local, es frágil y está listo para que se hagan mejoras en todo el sistema.

SANTA ANA, California (7 de octubre de 2020) – Un análisis dado a conocer recientemente revela un panorama difícil para los padres que trabajan en el Condado de Orange y esperan encontrar cuidado infantil asequible, especialmente para quienes lo necesitan para sus bebés o niños pequeños: en la actualidad solamente hay instalaciones con licencia para cuidar al 5% de los niños del condado, entre las edades de 0 y 2 años.

Mientras tanto, el Orange County Child Care Landscape Analysis (Análisis del panorama del cuidado infantil del condado de Orange) dirigido por la Comisión de Niños y Familias de First 5 Orange County, descubrió que incluso si solamente un tercio de los bebés y niños pequeños en el Condado de Orange necesitaran cuidado infantil, sólo habría instalaciones con licencia para uno de cada siete niños. El problema de la falta de lugares de cuidado infantil con licencia se exacerba porque muchas familias trabajadoras del Condado de Orange no pueden pagar el alto precio del cuidado, que promedia $15,650 al año por un niño y más de $26,000 por dos niños en un centro infantil con licencia a tiempo completo. El alto precio de la atención y la falta de disponibilidad explican los altos costos para ofrecer la atención y otros factores incluidos en el reporte completo.

Y la pandemia de COVID-19 solamente ha profundizado la crisis. Casi la mitad de los proveedores de cuidado infantil en el Condado de Orange cerraron sus programas desde mediados de marzo hasta principios de junio y luego empezaron a reabrir con nuevos requisitos y capacidades limitadas para mantener las normas de distanciamiento social.

“Los cerebros de los niños pequeños están ocupados de manera asombrosa y crecen exponencialmente todos los días, haciendo

Kimberly Goll, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de First 5 Orange County, dijo: “El cuidado de calidad que sea asequible y accesible es un componente fundamental de la capacidad de los padres y otros cuidadores para continuar participando en la fuerza de trabajo. Nuestro análisis ha descubierto retos importantes en la capacidad de las familias, no solamente para encontrar, sino también para pagar, ese cuidado”.

Goll continuó: “Hacemos un llamado a todos los sectores de la comunidad del Condado de Orange —padres, proveedores de cuidado infantil, líderes empresariales y cívicos— para que se unan a nosotros mientras trabajamos para encontrar soluciones a un problema que finalmente nos afecta a todos como comunidad”.

Publicado hoy luego de más de seis meses de investigación y análisis, el “Análisis del panorama del cuidado infantil del Condado de Orange” representa la primera parte de una iniciativa de tres fases que los funcionarios de First 5 Orange County esperan que lleve a recomendaciones de políticas y soluciones a nivel local y estatal que aumenten sustancialmente tanto la cantidad como la asequibilidad del cuidado infantil de calidad.

Durante el análisis de la primera fase, First 5 Orange County buscó información para comprender la disponibilidad y el tipo de cuidado

Cuando la pandemia impactó a principios de 2020, First 5 Orange County ya estaba explorando formas de abordar la gran necesidad que tiene el condado de ofrecer cuidado de bebés y niños pequeños. A medida que más familias e instalaciones de cuidado infantil se vieron afectadas por el COVID-19, se hizo evidente que el sistema de cuidado infantil, aunque es un pilar fundamental de la economía local, es frágil y está listo para que se hagan mejoras en todo el sistema.

En respuesta a la pandemia, First 5 Orange County usó su amplia red para reforzar el apoyo a las instalaciones de cuidado infantil. Las

Durante la segunda fase, que está actualmente en marcha, First 5 Orange County está investigando los impactos que la crisis del

Ya se está haciendo evidente que los impactos en las empresas y las carreras de las personas son sustanciales, según Lucy Dunn, presidenta y directora ejecutiva del Concilio Empresarial del Condado de Orange.

“Incluso a partir del análisis inicial de First 5 Orange County, estamos comenzando a darnos cuenta de la amplitud de los efectos.

La tercera y última fase de la iniciativa implicará el desarrollo de una serie de recomendaciones que finalmente ayudarán a solucionar la crisis del cuidado infantil del condado. Los funcionarios esperan presentar sus conclusiones y recomendaciones completas en algún momento de 2021.

A continuación, algunos de los descubrimientos de la primera fase del análisis:

• En el 60% de los hogares del Condado de Orange con niños de 0 a 4 años, todos los padres / cuidadores están trabajando. Esta cifra es muy cercana a la tendencia estatal de poco más del 61% en hogares con niños de 0 a 5 años.
• Hay aproximadamente 21 niños de 0 a 2 años por cada espacio disponible en centros de cuidado infantil con licencia; dicho de otra forma, sólo hay suficientes espacios con licencia para el 5% de la población actual de bebés y niños pequeños del Condado de Orange.
• Por el contrario, hay 1,5 niños en edad preescolar (de 3 a 4 años) por cada espacio disponible de cuidado infantil con licencia.
• Las familias que tienen la fortuna de encontrar cuidado infantil gastan en promedio alrededor del 26% de sus ingresos para cubrir el cuidado de dos niños pequeños a tiempo completo; el 10% se considera “asequible”
• Los programas subsidiados basados en la elegibilidad de ingresos son importantes porque proporcionan acceso al cuidado de los niños más vulnerables del condado.
• La economía del cuidado de bebés / niños pequeños presenta retos importantes para los proveedores: los costos son altos y las tasas de reembolso no cubren los costos y desincentivan a los proveedores, incluso si desean atender a niños pequeños.

El “Análisis del Panorama del Cuidado Infantil en el Condado de Orange” contiene información adicional rica en datos sobre el panorama del cuidado infantil en el Condado de Orange. Lea el informe en su totalidad aquí.

Acerca de la Comisión de Niños y Familias de First 5 Orange County

La Comisión de Niños y Familias de First 5 Orange County supervisa la asignación de fondos de la Propuesta 10, que agregó un impuesto de 50 centavos a la venta de productos de tabaco en California. En el año fiscal 2019/20, First 5 Orange County brindó a los niños de 0 a 5 años y a sus familias más de 2.1 millones de servicios. Los fondos ayudan a pagar la educación temprana, la atención médica pediátrica primaria y especializada, la atención dental infantil, medidas preventivas para que las personas no pierdan sus viviendas y programas de desarrollo infantil para niños desde la etapa prenatal hasta los 5 años, así como para sus familias. La visión de First 5 Orange County es que todos los niños alcancen su máximo potencial. Para obtener más información, visite

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

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