Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Will Lucille Kring’s GOP pals put her over the top in the 34th State Senate District in November?

Does it really matter that Republican Lucille Kring got more votes than Democratic State Senator Lou Correa, in the primary election this week?

Kring, who is an Anaheim Councilwoman, got about 700 more votes than Correa.

As one might expect, Red County editor Matt Cunningham is crowing about this as if it matters.

But does it?

Democrats hold an advantage overall in the district, with 44% of the vote.  The GOP has 32.73% of the vote and 19.27% of the voters are Decline to State.

Latinos hold a huge advantage in the district, with 58% of the vote.  White voters come in at only 21.6% of the vote and Asian voters have just over 10% of the vote.

There are over 315,000 registered voters in this district.  Kring and Correa, combined, got just over 32,000 votes.  Clearly many voters tayed home – presumably most were Democrats.

In November things will be quite different.  Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez will be working hard in the same area to get out the vote.  So will Assemblyman Jose Solorio.  Correa will be able to count on both of them for significant help.

Kring is already working closely with Mexican-hater Van Tran, who is challenging Sanchez.  Solorio faces only token opposition.

The key will be the Latino vote.  Correa will need to get Latinos to the polls in order to prevail.

It should be noted that Correa has made vast inroads into the Vietnamese community.  And this time he will be helped by Democratic candidate Phu Nguyen, who will be challenging the worst Mexican-hater, Allan Mansoor, over in the 68th Assembly District, which is part of the 34th State Senate District.

No legislator works harder than Correa.  Kring should relish her primary votes as the general election promises to have a very different ending.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

5 thoughts on “Does it really matter that Lucille Kring got more votes than Lou Correa on Tuesday?”
  1. Does it matter?

    Of course not.

    Cunningham’s just being his usual dickish self.

    Republican turnout was disproportionately high in the primary, as they had actual competitive races for Governor and Senator, with massive media buys in the governor’s race, and a local wingnut running for State Senate, not to mention Orange County’s own Orly Taitz.

    And, let’s not forget that Republicans have a large advantage in VBM voters, who turn out at substantially higher rates in low turnout elections.

    And that DTS voters participate at very low rates in partisan primaries, in part because they have even a lower percentage of VBM voters who have to take an additional step to get a partisan ballot and vote on anything besides propositions.

  2. Of course it matters. This isn’t a presidential election season, which means that turnout in November will be notoriously low. Since Harry Sidhu and Shawn Nelson will still be slugging it out in Anaheim, that only helps drive up Republican votes for Lucille where she is strongest. You really think that the passion to support Loretta Sanchez again will match the anger of Independents against the Democratic Establishment in Sacramento and Washington? Think again.

  3. Of course it doesn’t matter.

    Democrats, being nearly as shallow as Republicans, looked at their ballots and knew that the only familiar names, Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer, were in no danger of being defeated, so didn’t bother disrupting the couple of hours they had between their work day and the Lakers Game. Too bad, we could have used their support on Prop 15, but I don’t blame them.

    Another thing – LOTS of Republicans love Lou. They weren’t able to vote for him on their June ballots, but they will in November. Funny that, how Republicans love Lou. Got a story related to that in the works…

    This woman, who is she again? She’s even shorter than Ed Royce! Doesn’t that make her like 4’10” or so? Quang sure knows who to stand next to!

  4. Why the hate speech? Your article started well but below the fold you had to roll out all the name calling. Are you a no talent hack or a writer?

  5. I just got back from an event where Lucille Kring spoke and I must say she was clear and concise about the main problems our state has been facing. She spoke of how we are losing jobs because of over regulation, taxes, and unions. Many of these lost jobs are not just leaving the state – they are leaving the country. She gave a number of examples of how she has voted over and over again against wasteful spending. One example was voting against supporting a float in the Rose Parade which would have cost the tax payers $100,000. Sponsoring floats should never be the job of government. I cannot remember everything she said but I can say that I left very impressed with her.

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