Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Now OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh is singing a different tune – in the wake of the overwhelming defeat of the Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, by President Barack Obama. I saw Baugh on Rick Reiff’s post-election TV show and he admitted that the GOP better figure out immigration. That is the message that both Iglesias and Onofre are now espousing as well.

Iglesias was victorious in her campaign for the SAUSD School Board. In fact she defeated two Democrats – Valerie Amezcua and Myriam Tinajero, who were supported by liberal SAUSD Trustee John Palacio and by the unions.

Onofre refused to commit her own funds to engage in direct mail in her campaign for Ward 5 on the Santa Ana City Council, and so she lost to Roman Reyna, an SAUSD Trustee who had much more name I.D. than she did. But Onofre now has set her sights on a higher goal – she tells me that she wants to run against U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez in 2014.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

11 thoughts on “Can two Latinas in Santa Ana save the OC GOP from itself?”
  1. Dude, who is going to save you from yourself!
    Mr. “Libertarian”.
    He who has no political ideals
    except capitalism.
    Onofre lost because she switched to become a Republican! Not because she did not express herself enough as a politically correct Neo-Republican Doofus.
    Do she and Cecilia Fan Club still think it is God’s Will to be raped? Wow. That is a non-political starter. huh?

    1. The only problem with your theory is that two Republicans were the top vote-getters in the SAUSD School Board race. And the most liberal candidates lost in that race. Also, the liberal lost in the mayoral race and an unknown lady defeated the liberal candidate in Ward 3.

      I’ve been saying this for awhile – Santa Ana is not a liberal city.

      But it’s not a Republican city either so these ladies have a tough job ahead of them.

      As for your last statement, would you talk that way in front of your mom or your sister?

  2. Ceci has always supported immigration reform.. In her run for Congress in 2010, that was one of her points for reform. She had a lot of support from Latinos. Ceci is an immigrant and believes everyone that comes to this country to provide a better future for themselves and family should be given that opportunity.

    Art, as a matter of fact, Ceci, is in first place. She is the highest vote getter in the SAUSD race. She connects well with people and Youth.. She has the passion to serve and people see that in her.

    I believe that Iglesias and Onofre are the NEW faces for the GOP. And you are correct, the OCGOP needs to embrace these two ladies if they want to be strong in Central Orange County. Overall the Republican Party needs to embrace Immigration Reform all accross the Nation. For Cecilia this is nothing NEW. She has always supported it… Ceci Iglesias and Karina Onofre are great community leaders..

    Thank you everyone that VOTED for Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias…

  3. I totally agree with you.
    Santa Ana is not a “liberal” city.
    But it is becoming more progressive! more activist.
    “Liberal” and “Progressive” are not exactly the same contrary to what many want to believe.
    I will explain more later.

  4. Maybe if Onofre did campaign posters showing little children by her side then she might have been more popular in Santa Ana??? She has two years to make it happen. She should give Reyna a call before he is past his prime.

  5. I always understood that with 2 for 1 partisan disadvantage in the 69th AD, little ,if any, OC GOP resources would be coming my way. Then, that lame Hatch Act set-back three weeks into my candidacy brought on by an executive member of my union, didn’t help legitimize my candidacy or allow me to build any momentum.

    My thoughts were that Tom Daly would not be campaign on any of the Latino issues (either pro or con) that brought on so much hostility against Republicans.This was the fact as he he didn’t attend the sponsored Los Amigos forum during the primary, refused to debate these issues after I asked him publicly and after I contacted a mutual friend.

    In his campaign literature, Tom Daly absolutely never talked about Immigration Reform, Dreamers Legislation or any of past or present legislative issues that are held as examples of Republicans intolerance to Latinos.

    Instead, he sent out a mailer touting that he was seemingly a full-time janitor while in college(Really?), took some pictures with some Latinos kids on a bridge over a dried riverbed.(more symbolization there)

    What was missing in Tom Daly’s or for that matter many central Orange County political candidates campaign literature or campaign websites? It was the things that political pundits, party officials and Latino activist are saying that Republicans must embrace and court the Latino vote if they want any relevancy.

    I embraced Immigration reform and many other issues that resonate well with Latinos in a Assembly District that that is overwhelmingly Latino.

    As it stands today, while I lost the campaign I still received the highest vote total of any Republican candidate in the 69th AD the last two decades. 27,000 voters

    It is worth noting that in the central Orange County area, the only candidate that I saw take on the issue of anything related to Immigration was Assemblyman Chris Norby. It was seemingly a last minute mailer that portrayed Sharon Quirk-Silva as an advocate of the Dream Act and Dreamers. Reportedly, one of Chris Norby campaign consultants was former Assembly (and Lobbyist) John Lewis who just happens to be reportedly consulting on my previous opponents campaign too, Democrat-elected 69th Assembly candidate, Tom Daly.

  6. Karina Onofre has always been for Immigration Reform, she has come out on Telemundo TV saying she joined the Republican party because besides being the political party that goes by the Bible, her parents became U.S. residents, then citizens, all thanks to Republican President Ronald Reagan. She believes in giving the over 14 million people a sort of Work Permit to allow them to come out of the shadows and stimulate the economy, which makes perfect sense!

  7. O.M.G. Onofre wants to legislate by the bible?
    She and Reyna are going to have to pump out two of every species so that their Arc will survive the Armageddon flood that will sweep us all away down the Santa Ana riverbed. Don’t even bother worrying about the bike trail through there. HOLY SH#T.

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