Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Santa Ana Planning Commission is considering new rules for Downtown Santa Ana bars – and several of the more controversial bar owners and other Downtown Santa Ana gadflyes showed up at this evening’s meeting to speak up in support of a proposed expansion sought by Proof Bar.

You may recall that Proof owner Joey Mendes got ripped by the OC Weekly a few months ago when he refused to allow a member of a band that was set to play at his bar to enter his establishment, because the poor guy was using a Matricular Consular card as I.D.  Mendes was there tonight as well.

I have no idea why Tish Leon, who was ousted from the Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commission, was there tonight.  Nor for that matter do I understand why the owners of Proof apparently have retained Phil Bacerra to advocate for their expansion.  His Linkedin page says he is a “problem solver.”  Bacerra was dismissed by Mayor Miguel Pulido from an OCTA Commission, a few months before Leon got the boot.  Neither Bacerra nor Leon have any pull whatsoever with our City Council majority.

Bacerra, incidentally, is advocating on his blog for an Entertainment Commission – such as the one in the City of San Francisco.  This Commission would issue and deny permits in an “Entertainment” area.  Isn’t that what our Planning Commission already does?  Lame.  The last thing we need is to empanel a bunch of barflys on yet another city commission!

One of the owners of Chapter One: the Modern Local Restaurant (perhaps the most pretentious business name in Santa Ana) was there too – you may recall Tim O’Connor (one of their owners) went off on Downtown quinceanera shops a few weeks ago.  He told the Santa Ana City Council that “You can’t have the same shop, the same stores, the same exact same quinceanera shop across from the exact same quinceañera shop…exact same thing over and over again and expect to be successful. Times have changed. Fourth Street should change with those times,” according to the OC Weekly.

Planning Commissioner Sean Mill reminded those in attendance about what he said by telling the folks at the Planning Commission meeting that perhaps we don’t need bar after bar in to open up in our Downtown area.

The Santa Ana Police Department doesn’t want any more bars in Downtown Santa Ana either…

Mill told me later that he found it ironic that many of the same folks who drummed the Latino-owned bars out of our Downtown area years ago are now trying to open more bars – but of course they are marketing to a different crowd.  Mill also wondered why families are being forgotten in the mad rush to open more bars in the area.

Planning Commissioner Patrick Yrarrazaval, who is the Principal at Valley High School, opined that the Downtown area is a better place to open bars than, for example, opening one across from Lathrop.  Oops.  He apparently doesn’t consider the area charter schools to be public schools, even though they are.  Those schools include the Orange County High School for the Arts, the Edward B. Cole Sr. Academy, and the El Sol Science & Arts Academy of Santa Ana, plus the Orange County Educational Arts Academy (OCEAA).

Do we really need MORE bars in Downtown Santa Ana?  Really?  Santa Ana already has issued more liquor licenses than any other city in Orange County.  It’s not close.  I think we could use some more family restaurants.  Most of us cannot afford to eat at the newer restaurants.  A Chuck E. Cheese would be nice – Santa Ana is the largest city in Orange County without one.

The Proof guys have a lot of nerve asking for an expansion after one of their patrons was shot at 2 am in a nearby parking structure, last year.  The problem with Proof and the other bars is that they don’t serve food.  So their patrons get stone cold drunk.  I wonder how many of these drunks get away with driving under the influence, since the SAPD DUI checkpoints are usually set up in quiet neighborhoods with high numbers of immigrants?  Yes, once in awhile they set one up near Original Mike’s, but they should have motorcycle officers waiting outside Proof every night.  It would be easy pickings.

Nothing was settled tonight, but you can expect a hell of a fight as the Planning Commission weighs the new ruled.  I am pretty sure that the City Council majority won’t likely be swayed by the folks who were at tonight’s Planning Commission meeting.  Did I mention that Irv and Ryan Chase were there – along with their promoter, Archer Altstaetter?  Archer went off on what he intimated are antiquated city rules – but this is the guy who opened his new costume store without a business license!  What does he care about rules when he ignores them anyway?

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

43 thoughts on “Bar fight breaks out in Downtown Santa Ana”
  1. Well written. Its true, santa ana needs no more bars at all. If the city continues to accept and give the licenses, then what is their desire. Is it money? Or is it greater discipline and clean streets. Though we all know we live in a democracy. Yet, officials must use their God given wisdom, and discretion in their decisions. They should not bend to the whims of people who own businesses, who do not care about the city’s citizens.Plus, Santa Ana has greater issues to deal with on the same level as drunks on the streets.

  2. I like that Sean Mill. He knows there should be more to an Artists Village than just party bars and D.U.I. traps. He is a cultured dude and friend of A.V.A.S.A.?

  3. I think Mill should become planing commissioner in Las Vegas. He would turn it into a desert again while asking same stupid question if we need more casinos or bars there.

    And he should take SAPD Chief aka City Manager with him.

    We need more IQ in Santa Ana — more white Europeans!

    The problem is that too many incompetent people are running Santa Ana.

    Did Mill ever visited any prosperous cities around the world?

    I know he went to Mexico before they were beheading tourists there but you cant learn about prosperity in the Mexico.

    We definitely need more bars but we need ordinance not to serve alcohol to Mexicans because they do not know how to daring socially — only as burracho.

    1. Sean is white. He travels a lot and he has worked in Las Vegas.

      What we need in Downtown Santa Ana is more full service restaurants and more family oriented businesses.

  4. Phil Bacerra a “problem solver”? That is hilarious stuff. His involvement will create more problems than it will solve. By hiring Bacerra it shows that Proof is amateur hour and not ready for prime time. What were they thinking?

  5. What’s happened is that the gay bars in Laguna have closed down and now they want to reestablish them in Santa Ana. Is that really what we want for our downtown?

  6. “Sean is white. He travels a lot and he has worked in Las Vegas”……. Hmmmmm.

    To be white one must be smart!
    To travel one must observe and learn!
    To work in Las Vegas one must not clean dishes!

    Otherwise he will be asking stupid questions about what the Santa Ana needs.

    In the end the Pulido’s regime will go bankrupt and the true New Santa Ana will emerge — the incompetence is heavy.

  7. “To be white one must be smart!”

    That’s not true…You are white and you are a fuc*ing embecile.

  8. The concern in Downtown Santa Ana is fairness for all. Be treated the same and given the same opportunities success determined by the market.

    Las Brisas( previously Los Pancho’s) Mexican Restaurant on Broadway between 4th and 5th has, repeatedly according to the owner, been denied a full bar permit while others around Las Brisas get one in no time at all after application.

    The Police Dept. comes by frequently to have the jukebox volume down so it can not be heard outside. Not so with her restaurant?/bar neighbors….Original Mike’s frequently has bands in the outside patio.

    Some Artist Village restaurants/bars have received city financial assistance to move there and for improvements while Tampico Mariscos Restaurant, that mostly services the local Hispanic market, in the Fiesta Market Place … now the East End District was assisted to move out.

  9. Bring back the handlebar saloon. That was a bar.

    I noticed the other day the building is tented, is that the expansion you are talking about?

  10. “Prove it”

    Your comments on this and other blogs are all the proof I need. They speak for themselves.

  11. Admin, If I would be a tourist and arrive to a Santa Ana, in what Hotel should I stay and where should I go to entertain myself after 22:00?

    Which street should I take with my wife for a midnight walk?

    Where should I take here to see City overview?

    Where is some romantic spot in Santa Ana?

    Maybe you should ask planing commissioner where he is planing to put them.

  12. First off, I would like to thank you for making the semi-flattering picture of my establishment the first static picture of this post. I was a little disappointed to be included under an advertisement of a Bail Bond outfit, but just like myself, I guess you have to make your money somehow.

    A few questions:

    You wrote: “Really? Santa Ana already has issued more liquor licenses than any other city in Orange County.”
    I ask: Doesn’t that sound standard as is contains the most bodies?

    You wrote: “The Proof guys have a lot of nerve asking for an expansion after one of their patrons was shot at 2am in a nearby parking structure, last year.”
    I ask: “How did you concur that the deceased was a patron? Are you relating his patronage with ANY of the downtown businesses as a potential cause for his murder? How long after a nearby tragedy is an acceptable time for a small business owner to wait to pursue their dreams?”

    A request:
    Can you please update the map of DUI checkpoints because, thanks to your attention, I think your old information has been trending.

    Thank you SAPD for all of your incredible effort, sacrifice, and hard work. Those two guys in that room last night have spent numerous thankless hours helping to make our town safe.

    In defense: I was ripped by the OC Weekly for obeying the law and protecting my business, our community, and our city, by operating responsibly. Drink responsibly. Operate even more responsibly. Ask anybody.

    To answer your question:
    Yes. We need more bars in DTSA. This is coming from the one guy you would think would be happy with less competition. We have FAR fewer drinking establishments for our size than surrounding downtowns. If we want to attract people from everywhere then we must compete on a level playing field and not hold ourselves at disadvantage because of a known correlation between alcohol and social problems. Prohibition failed. In fact we must use that knowledge to be more responsible and strategic in our efforts to grow. Alternately, if we want to stagnate and stall natural growth so that fewer cross our borders to spend their money, than I guess that’s another future possibility too. Anaheim and Costa Mesa have always been (and already seem poised to be) more than happy to pick up our business where we are unable to achieve. Irvine will probably continue to pass.

    Furthermore, to echo a sentiment published yesterday in a local news publication, The Orange County Register, was this article: that shows that drinking brings much money into California. It seems that someone understands the correlation between the problems to which alcohol contributes and the steps that need to be taken to mitigate the adverse outcomes. When you generate more money, you tend to have cleaner streets. When you generate less money you seem to have more vacancies and deterioration.

    I agree with the admin that we need more affordable family full service restaurants, but we also need a few more places to enjoy an adult beverage as well. I have certainly grow sick of drinking at Proof. Remember, curfew starts at 10pm and we still want to generate income in this city past then.

    Lastly, If you were the guy at the meeting shooting pictures of me, thanks for not including them, as I’m doing a no-shave-November; my bald is really showing and my neck hairs and beard are giving me a wolf-man look. Plus nobody wants to see a dude in a rad t-shirt in a room full of suits.

    P.S. I agree with Mateo. I think I like Sean Mill too. Even though he seems skeptical about new booze places and always pairs it with an open fear of what happened “back then” in the way long ago, he seems to well understand the many pitfalls of alcohol use and speaks from a place of confidence. Plus his deep baritone lulls my ears into a comforting haze that makes them feel like they’re wrapped in a warm vocal blanket.


  13. Joey,

    “I agree with the admin that we need more affordable family full service restaurants, ”

    Organize the Artist Village Restaurant Association to support and advocate for your neighbors, those who primarily service the local Hispanic market, to have the ability/opportunity at a full bar permit. Do not support the exclusion of one market over the other. If the market does not support the business it will fail. Give the businessman the opportunity to succeed or fail equally.

    I, you and others I am sure would like to enjoy a Margarita with our Enchilada or Mole Poblano plate.

  14. Stanley Fiala says:

    November 15, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    “Give the businessman the opportunity to succeed or fail equally”……. Hmmmmm

    Smart white Europeans do not fail. Hmmmmmmm

    The Banking System, the Mortgae Industry, Ford Motor Co, the Real State Industry and all those other companies and industries that the USA public recently economically bail out must all be Mexican owned then….hah Fiala.

  15. The restaurant that moved out of the Playground site had an ABC license, and they failed. They couldn’t even pay full rent for months. Is that the fault of the property owners too? The old Handlebar Saloon is being rehabbed by a new property owner, Al Cordero, who wants a first class restaurant and gallery.

  16. Sounds like a business opportunity, a taxi service to drive the drunks home.

    And it can be freedom of choice too. Either rent a cell at the jail or pay the bill of fare to the taxi. Or even bring your designated driver (does that work?)

  17. “The Banking System, the Mortgae Industry, Ford Motor Co, the Real State Industry and all those other companies and industries that the USA public recently economically bail out must all be Mexican owned then….hah Fiala”….. Hmmmmm

    All the above are own by Zionists who did not failed but they made you fail.

    As I recall all these Zionist CEOs got millions in bonuses for which Obama advanced TARP money so they did not failed.

  18. I think more bars and restaurants are fine – whatever will drive business and people to Santa Ana and support the local economy!!

    1. I think the challenge is coming up with a mix of businesses that will compel those coming here to drink to spend money on other products and services too.

  19. Proof, Chapter One, Artist Village, Yost etc…

    Here’s what gets me confused. What about catering to Santa Ana residents? All these establishments whether up and running or in development don’t do market research? The median age in Santa Ana is 27 years old, with the majority of residents younger than 27. Yet, the discussion is exclusively about drawing people from outside Santa Ana. Are not our dollars just as valuable?

    As a market segment, we over index the general population in Entertainment segments like the movies, radio, tv and music. Fortune 500 companies know this and spend hundreds of millions of dollars marketing to the this market.

    If you look at the latest controversies concerning Downtown, you will see the root of everything is the exclusion message that is received in our community. From the Artist Village to Downtown Inc., to which business prosper and which don’t. The common denominator is the same.

    If you don’t believe my statements, watch and learn from the gentleman who bought the old Edison building.

    PS – Admin, this blog is a great tool/service to keep up with Santa Ana news/gossip. However, please note that you should moderate Stanley Fiala’s racist comments. He makes fat, old, unsuccessful Checks look bad. Does Fiala know who Carlos Slim is?

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Sorry about Fiala. He can be a bit of an Archie Bunker at times. He is married to a Mexicana but somehow has never learned to appreciate our people. Very sad.

      I don’t know if Fiala knows who Slim is but I do – he is a very rich man indeed. And as a Mexican of Lebanese extraction he is a reminder that Mexicans, like Americans, are often of diverse cultural and racial backgrounds.

  20. “However, please note that you should moderate Stanley Fiala’s racist comments. He makes fat, old, unsuccessful Checks look bad. Does Fiala know who Carlos Slim is?”….. Hmmmmm

    Here we go again.

    Only Mexicans, including Admin, can assault white gentiles without being racist.

    Every time the white gentile open his mouth he is racist and hater.

    That is Racism — La Raza!

  21. I have told you once that withes is determined by intelligence “IQ” not by color of the skin “Admin”, (since you are shame to put your real name behind your moronic crapola)

    Laying on the beach, getting my skin dark does not take away my high intelligence quotient.

    In contrast, siting in shadow and blogging, getting your skin white does not add to your IQ.

    Just gave me more of your Aztlan National Socialism that Mexicans were in Americas first and that is why they do not need visa or documents — to entertain my IQ.

  22. “I have told you once that withes is determined by intelligence “IQ” not by color of the skin “Admin”, (since you are shame to put your real name behind your moronic crapola)”

    “Laying on the beach, getting my skin dark does not take away my high intelligence quotient.”


    So Chinese(with yellow skin),Indian(with dark skin), blacks, Mexicans(with dark skin) with a high IQ are really white???????

    These statements are indicative of a low IQ……so fiala must not be white.

    Stanley Fiala says:

    November 16, 2011 at 9:49 am

    “The Banking System, the Mortgae Industry, Ford Motor Co, the Real State Industry and all those other companies and industries that the USA public recently economically bail out must all be Mexican owned then….hah Fiala”….. Hmmmmm

    All the above are own by Zionists who did not failed but they made you fail.

    As I recall all these Zionist CEOs got millions in bonuses for which Obama advanced TARP money so they did not failed.


    Jews come in all colors and nationalities….not only white, to fit your whites never fail argument.

    Many of these CEO’s where indited(some serving prison terms) as criminals……are you saying Jews only were responsible for nearly and criminally responsible for bankrupting the USA if not for the USA bailing their failed businesses?

    A Definition of Zionism


    Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

    Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?
    Excerpts From Herzl’s The Jewish State
    The Return to Zion
    Zionism Is Not Racism
    World Zionist Organization
    Biographies of Zionists


  23. “The Bible was written by God’s chosen people as well”….. Hmmmm

    And who told you that?….. God’s chosen people!

    It is all propaganda especially if there is no God.

    There are about 30 major denominations of Christians who hate each other, there are many Jewish denominations who hate each other and all believing in the same God.

    Well if you are so stupid Admin and believe that it is good idea to pay Israel $25,000,000 per day while your poor Mexican children are starving than it is a OK with me.

    You can call me anti-Semitic!

  24. Stanley Fiala says:
    November 16, 2011 at 10:41 pm
    “IS FIALA ANTISEMITIC????”….. Hmmmmm


    Stop using Wikipedia as reference because it is written by Zionists.

    Learn Dr. Amalgam:



    Your reading comprehension is lacking. A indication of your low IQ. My last comment does not reference Wikipedia.

    No one can learn anything from you as you have a low IQ. Everyone that reads your comments understands this. You are the only one that thinks otherwise……sad

  25. “You are the only one that thinks otherwise…… Hmmmm

    Obviously Dr. Amalgam, I am an individualist not socialist.

    FYI Dr. Amalgam, the intelligence quotient (“IQ”) is independent of the Intellectual skills like reading and writing and is genetically acquired.

    So if you are a carrier of the MM1 Gene, as it is in your case, no affirmative action will help you.

  26. Dear Santa Ana Resident,

    I won’t speak for the others but we very much do cater to Santa Ana residents. We’ve done our market research…and we have embraced our community and our community continues to embrace us for going on 6 years. Without our local residents, who make up the largest percentage of our market, we would probably not still have our doors open. We value all of our customers but being a small business, we could not exist if the locals didn’t flock to enjoy our offerings. In fact, I don’t know of any small brick and mortar service business that can be successful while excluding their community (so I guess I do speak for the others a bit).

    The discussion is not as you state: exclusive. We certainly include our local residents in our market research. And do you know what they want? They want the same. They know that serving our community first also means looking out for our priorities, which is added amenities, safety and more activity in the DT; to be a true 18 hour downtown. Plus they are sick of the same old faces too. They see Santa Ana as a gem for all to enjoy and they are certainly happy to have all the tax money that bringing people back into Santa Ana generates.

    I’m not sure how to respond to your message that:
    “…root of everything is the exclusion message that is received in our community.” You say the message is being received but not who is sending it. I speak to many business and land owners in downtown (yes, I am tri-lingual) and it seems that the majority agree than inclusion is our only path to growth when so many vacancies fill our downtown. Capitalism is very simple on the small scale; the businesses that prosper are the ones at which people chose to spend their money.

    But in the end, I am game. How would you like to see me cater to our residents even more? What exactly were you looking for? A locals night? You let me know when you’d like to meet me for a drink and I would be happy to discuss at length all that I can do to show my community that I am grateful for them, I support them, and I am proud to live, work, and own a business in our beautiful city. Just so that you know, I also hold fundraisers for the homeless, support our local PD & FD through donations, pay sales taxes, support local music and art, and have personally subdued an armed felon in the act of a crime. Go ask around at the other cities and let me know if their bar owners are as involved.

    P.S. I have met with the gentleman who bought the old Edison building. I admire him greatly and we seem to share the same opinion on what makes for growth and progress in the downtown.

  27. Edison building? the one that says Southern California Gas company, the old home of the handlebar saloon?

    It will be nice to see that place live and breath again.

    Use to get drunk their in my youth and walk 15 blocks home.

  28. What!!! Proof hired the “Moocher” aka Phillis Bacerra to lobby for them? Are they compensating him with “free booze”? Ah hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  29. santa needs ART not new bars that are going to bring a bunch of suburbia narrow minded individuals that think of santa ana as ghetto

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