By the OC Politics Blog
Reportedly over 800 Orange County residents have sent in applications to become the next Orange County Clerk-Recorder. But will any of them really have a chance – or will the seat go to a political appointment?
Former State Senator Dick Ackerman and former State Assemblyman Chris Norby, both Republicans from Fullerton, could be the leaders of the pack. (Ackerman now lives in Irvine).
I am told that Ackerman will likely hire Laura Cunningham, who served as former Supervisor Bill Campbell’s Chief of Staff, if he gets selected to serve as Clerk-Recorder.
Will our Orange County Board of Supervisors pick a career politician or will they pick someone actually qualified for the job? You have to believe that it will be the former. That is too bad. I rather see someone experienced in the job, such as Hugh Nguyen, or Renee Ramirez, get selected.
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