Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

UPDATE: Voting will close on Friday, Jan. 7, at 10 am

This poll is now closed.  Find out who won at this link.


Who was Santa Ana’s Man of the Year in 2010?

That is a simple enough question, but coming up with an answer isn’t easy.  As such, you may vote for up to three nominees in the poll above.

Let me know if  I need to add anyone to the poll.

My personal choice is Mayor Miguel Pulido.  He was attacked on all sides and his main opponent, Alfredo Amezcua, spent over a quarter million, from what I am told.  Most of that money was spent on negative mailers.  Yet Pulido won, and he won handily.  Now the ball is in his court and he has two years to show the voters what he can do, as he has been doing for so many years.

Amezcua certainly belongs on the list.  He resuscitated his political career and put himself on the map, even though he lost.

Charles Hart also ran for Mayor, and while many of his early supporters jumped on Amezcua’s ship late in the game, Hart acquitted himself well, particularly in the debates.

But not all of the nominees are politicians.  Francisco Barragan spent the summer doing what he has been doing for several years, volunteering for a number of charitable and community organizations.  He also wrote quite a few posts for us.

And Jeff Dickman stayed active even when he was dismissed from the City of Santa Ana’s Historical Resources Commission.  He led a lawsuit against the city, stopping the Transit District development, which included affordable housing.

What about Sammy Montoya?  His restaurant, La Chiquita, celebrated its 60th anniversary this year.  Amazing!  And he also continued to book events at the Green Parrot, while growing his catering business and starting a new high-tech venture.  He is quite a whirlwind!  He was even honored by Mayor Pulido and the Santa Ana City Council this year.

I also included Councilman David Benavides in the poll.  He won reelection easily, as he faced no opponent in November, but he got in hot water with the rest of the City Council over his support for Minuteman Lupe Moreno, who ran a 4th of July event that backfired when one of her fellow Minutemen called a Santa Ana resident a “wetback,” and the incident got caught on video by activist Naui Huitzilopochtli, who is also in our poll.  But Benavides persevered and today he has four more years to spend on our City Council.

Councilman Sal Tinajero also deserved to be on the list.  He did a great job with his public school debate team this year, helping a lot of disadvantaged kids to succeed.  Many of his students have gone on to do great in college because of his efforts.  And he, like Benavides, was reelected easily – but Tinajero beat two candidates who ran against him.

I also added Hugh Nguyen to the poll.  He ran, in June, for O.C. Clerk-Recorder and  he helped his uncle to open the new Lee’s Sandwiches in Santa Ana last year.  They just celebrated their first anniversary a few weeks ago.

Again, let me know if I overlooked anyone.  And thanks for voting!  We will be following up this article with another one asking who was Santa Ana’s Woman of the Year in 2010.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

34 thoughts on “Poll: Who was Santa Ana’s Man of the Year in 2010?”
  1. How about John Raya, Founder of TKO Boxing in Santa Ana. Look it up, this is a great program that has been running strong for at least 10 years. John was born in Santa Ana and has lived here and raised his family here. He believes in the City and in our Youth.

  2. Thanks to everyone for voting. I added John Raya to the poll and also added Mike Harrah.

    Keep voting and be sure to tell your friends to vote!

    1. He had a very interesting year. He was able to change the developer agreement with the City of Santa Ana, so he can move forward with the County’s tallest office building – the One Broadway Tower. And he sold his Performing Arts Center to the OC High School for the Arts, which really expanded their ability to perform in a nice venue. He closed his Ambrosia Restaurant but he invested heavily in improvements at Original Mike’s – including a huge circular TV that you have to see to believe. And he allowed Original Mike’s to be used by various charitable efforts.

      And of course he continues to own and operate the historic Santora building.

      Like him or not, he is most definitely a very influential businessman in Santa Ana.

  3. United Mexican American Veterans Association Commander Francisco Barragan is the Santa Ana Man of the Year. He is honest, caring and most of all very helpful.

    From Francisco Balolong Paras Jr.
    Marine Corps League Detachment 1347 Chaplain,
    Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge Orange County Chaplain
    United Mexican American Veterans Association Chaplain
    WFJ Church Executive Pastor

  4. TEAM HUITZILOPOCHTLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR NAUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who else cares for the minorities like he does? Who’s in the face of the menacing mug of White supremacy who only exist to trouble our communities as a whole? Who else exposes tyranny and hatred at his magnitude bringing awareness in all of Orange County?

  5. NAUi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The hero who takes his camera and exposes racist bigots!!!! GO NAUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Corporal Alexander Cuauhtlicoyotl Madrigal

    He has given countless hours of service to santa ana.
    He has been awarded several honors by the city for his service and deserves to be acknowledged here.

  7. Theo Hirsh will be the Ultimate Winner in this contest.

    Those of you who don’t know our future Mayor should attend a gala reception held on random Artist Walk nights at the 410 Broadway House.

    You won’t have to knock, there’s no lock or doorknob… just come on in!

  8. @Stella:

    I agree – Marine Corporal Alex “Plumas” Madrigal definitely deserves to be on this list.

    See both events for June 6th at our UMAVA (United Mexican-American Veterans Association) – these describe some of the activities of my Marine brother PLUMAS!!!

    1) June 6th, 2010 – Remembering our Fallen Heroes at Huntington Beach
    2) June 6th, 2010 – Candlelight Vigil for Marine Cpl Jose Angel Garibay

    Francisco “Paco” Barragan
    Semper Fi!

  9. TEAM HUITZILOPOCHTLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR NAUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who else cares for the minorities like he does? Who’s in the face of the menacing mug of White supremacy who only exist to trouble our communities as a whole? Who else exposes tyranny and hatred at his magnitude bringing awareness in all of Orange County?

    MQ says:

    Team Nazi!

    “Who else cares for the minorities like he does?”

    Why do you need someone to care for you? Can’t you wipe your own a@#?

    “menacing mug of White supremacy who only exist to trouble our communities as a whole?”

    MQ says:

    Oh gosh, what a choice: a skin head or a 14 year old drug cartel killer! I will bet my HEAD on the skin head!

    “awareness in all of Orange County?”

    MQ says;

    We are very much aware that for some reason Mexicans want to leave their shit hole to come here! You just don’t sell yourselves very well!

    Naui the Nazi is nothing but an out of work punk, who picks on little fat woman and old white men!

    He has the balls of a chicken!

    So wise up you young Mexican KKK members! Send some of your smart, classy citizens and you go home!

    I told you Naui that your camera is a chick puller! All these lovely racist brain washed females!

  10. I got a really funny text from someone from BEAN TOWN! loved it! A sense of humor from Santa Ana!


    Thanks for allowing my post! Hard core, but needed!

    Cheers mate!

  11. Michelle Quinn you need to get laid !

    MQ says:

    Yeah ok, thanks for the recommendation! I suggest you get a job and stop harassing little old men and women!


    You are an inspiration to all, a true hero and an INCREDIBLE leader-especially for the younger generation. Your videos are bringing awareness to the hate millions of people endure on a daily basis as a result of nothing more than their skin color. This is a problem not only in the US, but in every nation.

    You have exposed racism disguised as patriotism and given immigrants a voice they did not have before. You speak for those who do not have a voice and for that, I admire you.

    I believe you are going to change the world…

  13. Denise, Denise,

    The reason they will stay illegal Aliens is because Americans do not want more racist ethnocentric’s being born in their country. The fact that Naui the Nazi attacks old white people and little plump American latino’s is not inspirational, but instead is distasteful!

    I suggest you read more and get out in the world if a racist is your inspiration! Travel to Europe, surround yourself with white people…you will love us!

    I will give you a few tips for places to visit!

  14. Michelle, when will you recognize the only illegal immigrants are you and your ancestors who came here back in 1492 and slaughtered my ancestors, then tried to claim that it was “God” who advocated this genocide?

    If anything, going to Europe (and staying there permanently) is something I suggest you do, since you’ll illegal here.

  15. “Michelle, when will you recognize the only illegal immigrants are you and your ancestors who came here back in 1492 and slaughtered my ancestors, then tried to claim that it was “God” who advocated this genocide?”

    MQ says:

    When will you realize that you are here, because we are here! So what your ancestors got slaughtered, so did mine! You can’t keep going back to the past, because your future is a mess! You would you rather have living next too you a white easy going fun loving me or a MS13 gang member who just might have your blood line!

    Wise up with the 1492 crap and get a life!

    I suggest you go back to Mexico where you might feel more at home with the rest of your ancestors! But from the looks of it; you seem like a guy who has a stick up his A#$. If you are anything like the rest of your clan, no wonder the mexicans are flooding here to be with US europeans!

  16. Michelle,

    I am white and Im sorry but I dont choose my friends based on their skin color. In fact, most of my ‘people’ are Mexican. But thanks anyways!

    And NAUI is the racist???? Come on!

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