Picture courtesy of Miniondas
An article in the latest edition of Miniondas, a Spanish language newspaper in Santa Ana, covered Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s recent State of the City Speech to the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce.
The article stated that this is Pulido’s last run for Mayor. It was a bit vague and could be interpreted to mean that he is not running this November, but I think that Pulido’s intention is for this to be his final term as Mayor.
In his speech Pulido mentioned his support for the Dream Act, which offers a path to citizenship for students who are undocumented.
Pulido also talked about a November ballot measure which will prevent the state from raiding city redevelopment funds.
He also complained about the recent flawed O.C. Grand Jury report, which sought to cast aspersions on the Transit Zone development. A spurned ex-city commissioner was on that Grand Jury, tainting the results of their investigation.
The article also stated that Pulido has some critics who are angry that he has been in power for over 20 years. His opponent, Al Amezcua, was noted, as were some of Amezcua’s supporters, including Dr. Art Lomeli and Sam Romero. Neither of them live in Santa Ana although both operate businesses in downtown Santa Ana.
The article also noted that Pulido led the Santa Ana City Council in opposing Arizona’s racial profiling law, SB 1070.
Pulido closed by saying that Santa Ana is headed in the right direction, with regard to education and our economy.