Strong Santa Ana winds are expected in Orange County on Thursday, October 10, 2019. The winds are expected to be widespread and peak Thursday with northeast winds of 20 to 35 mph and gusts up to 55 mph. Winds are expected to weaken slightly Friday, and then diminish Saturday, October 12, 2019.
Southern California Edison (SCE) says it is considering power cuts, in advance of the winds, to more than 106,000 customers in parts of eight counties. For a full list of cities and maps of the affected neighborhoods for the possible SCE shutoff, visit https://www.scemaintenance.com/content/sce-maintenance/en/psps.html.
Temperatures could reach into the 80s, and the humidity is expected to fall rapidly by Thursday afternoon. This means grasses and brush will be dry and quicker to burn. Watch for fallen trees, traffic signal light outages, and downed utility poles during the strong winds. To report City of Santa Ana Public Works issues, call 714-647-3380, e-mail PWADispatch@santa-ana.org, or download mySantaAna app.