The Seal Beach Police Department will be conducting a DUI Checkpoint at an undisclosed location tonight.
The deterrent effect of High Visibility Enforcement using DUI checkpoints and DUI Saturation Patrols has proven to lower the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol or drug-impaired crashes. Research shows that crashes involving an impaired driver can be reduced by up to 20 percent when well-publicized proactive DUI operations are conducted routinely.
The Seal Beach Police Department is committed to taking impaired drivers off the road. Driving under the influence is not only dangerous but also has significant consequences, some of which could be life-changing.
Officers will be looking for signs of impairment while checking for proper licensing and providing educational materials on the dangers of driving drunk/high, supplied by MADD California.
Checkpoint locations are determined based on reported incidents of impaired driving-related crashes.
This program was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety.