The SAPD announced another big illegal fireworks bust, on their Twitter account, today.
SAPD patrol officers confiscated 18 cases of illegal fireworks with a street value of $15,000-included assorted Roman Candles, Firecrackers, Rockets, Mortars, & Arterial Shells totaling over 5000 pieces.
The SAPD Special Enforcement Team is out there continuing to confiscate illegal fireworks and taking enforcement action against those who are caught in possession and/or lighting them.
Report the use of illegal fireworks to (714) 245-8771 or via email to reportfireworks@santa-ana.org.
Illegal fireworks in Santa Ana. This has gotten worse over the years. I have a pool in my backyard and these fireworks can damage the bottom of the pool with burns and powder from the fireworks. Every year on the 4th my husband has to cover the pool with a tarp so we don’t get the trash that comes raining down on the pool. Also the cardboard from the fireworks stay on our roof and when it gets windy all the trash comes down all other.
You only cover your pool one day ?
Funny how a city so broke (for now) can afford to put on such an amazing show every single 4th of July. It’s like a glimpse of hope that no matter what my city is enduring, we’re still going to stop and celebrate our home with the people we love. Anyway Karen, cover your pool. The fireworks aren’t going anywhere. People from ALL OVER Orange County flock to Santa Ana to watch the firework show residents from the entire city put on for everyone. Come 4th of July night, Santa Ana PD will be parked somewhere high to enjoy the show. This bust was to shut up everyone complaining of illegal fireworks. Go Owls!! (original native mascot of Santa Ana)