On March 12, 2024, at approximately 5:20 PM, a 16-year-old male juvenile entered the bathroom of the Metrolink Station located at 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., according to the SAPD.
As the victim attempted to exit a restroom stall, the suspect stood in his way, preventing the victim from leaving the stall. The suspect exposed his genitals and sexually battered the victim. The victim was able to escape and ran out of the restroom to call for help.
The suspect was last seen fleeing from the Metrolink Station on a black bike.
Wanted Suspect: Male, Hispanic, mid-30s, bald, wearing all-black clothing, white shoes, unknown tattoos on his head and possibly neck, and arms, and walks with a hunched posture.
Anyone with information on the suspect’s identity/whereabouts is asked to contact Detective A. Brown at (714) 245-8363 or AMiller5@santa-ana.org.