SANTA ANA — The City of Santa Ana is hosting two community workshops on Saturday, March 23 and March 30 to receive feedback for its active transportation plan. “Santa Ana Moves Like This” is currently being developed and, once completed, will help guide the city’s improvements to access, mobility, and safety for non-motorized modes of travel, including walking, rolling, and riding transit.
“Many residents in the City of Santa Ana are dependent on walking or bicycling for transportation, yet, our network of roads lacks the infrastructure to make these modes safe and accessible,” said Mayor Pro Tem Juan Villegas. “The active transportation plan will provide a framework for street improvements with the intention to improve conditions for things like walking, riding a bike, and taking transit to work, school, parks and other destinations.”
These are the last workshops scheduled during the planning process; four workshops took place last year. A draft plan will be finalized in the coming months and will be submitted to city council for approval.
The City is currently in the process of updating its Circulation Element and has identified its need for an updated Active Transportation Plan. The proposed plan will prioritize a bikeway network and pedestrian focus areas. Once completed, the plan will include a fact sheet for up to 40 projects with project descriptions, conceptual illustrations, and planning-level costs.
Saturday, March 23th Workshop:
What: Active Transportation Plan Community Workshop #5
When:; Sign-in: 9:30 a.m., workshop activities: 10 a.m. – noon
Where: St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1510 N Parton St, Santa Ana, 92706
Saturday, March 30th Workshop:
What: Active Transportation Plan Community Workshop #6
When:; sign-in: 9:30 a.m., workshop activities: 10 a.m. – noon
Where: Memorial Park, 2102 S Flower St, Santa Ana, 92707
To RSVP for the workshops, sign up on the Santa Ana Moves Live This Facebook page.