To protect our Santa Ana community, everyone needs to do their part. Don’t gather, wash your hands, wear a mask. Protect Santa Ana.
The following sectors must stay closed:
- Indoor Recreational Facilities
- Hair Salons and Barbershops
- Personal Care Services
- Museums, Zoos, and Aquariums
- Movie Theaters
- Wineries
- Bars, Breweries, and Distilleries
- Family Entertainment Centers
- Cardrooms and Satellite Wagering
- Limited Services
- Live Audience Sports
- Amusement Parks
The following sectors in the Southern California Region will have additional modifications in addition to 100 percent masking and physical distancing:
- Outdoor Recreational Facilities: Allow outdoor operation only without any food, drink or alcohol sales. Additionally, overnight stays at campgrounds will not be permitted.
- Retail: Allow indoor operation at 20 percent capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the stores. Additionally, special hours should be instituted for seniors and others with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.
- Shopping Centers: Allow indoor operation at 20 percent capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the stores. Additionally, special hours should be instituted for seniors and others with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.
- Hotels and Lodging: Allow to open for critical infrastructure support only.
- Restaurants: Allow only for take-out, pick-up or delivery.
- Offices: Allow remote only except for critical infrastructure sectors where remote working is not possible.
- Places of Worship: Allow outdoor services only.
- Entertainment Production including Professional Sports: Allow operation without live audiences. Additionally, testing protocol and “bubbles” are highly encouraged.
The state Stay-at-Home Order does not modify existing state guidance regarding K-12 schools.
The following sectors are allowed to remain open in the Southern California Region when a remote option is not possible with appropriate infectious disease preventative measures including masking and physical distancing:
- Critical infrastructure
- Non-urgent medical and dental care
- Childcare and pre-K
In addition, the state’s Stay-at-Home will place the following restrictions on counties in the Southern California Region on non-essential travel lodging:
- Except as otherwise required by law, no hotel or lodging entity in California shall accept or honor out of state reservations for non-essential travel, unless the reservation is for at least the minimum time period required for quarantine and the persons identified in the reservation will quarantine in the hotel or lodging entity until after that time period has expired.
During this time, the state Stay-at-Home order encourages members of the same household are to maintain physical and mental health by safely going to a park, hike, walk or bike ride when safe to do so and socially distanced. Orange County residents are also encouraged to keep connected with loved ones virtually.
For more information, visit the state’s COVID-19 website.
What Orange County Residents and Businesses Can Do
There are several steps Orange County residents can do at this time:
- Get Tested for COVID-19
The OC Health Care Agency officials are urging residents, especially those with any symptoms, to get tested for the virus.
COVID-19 testing is now widely available across the county for those who are symptomatic or asymptomatic, with or without insurance, at no cost. Testing takes only a few minutes and results generally come back within two to three days.
If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home and let close contacts know. A close contact is someone you were within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes within a 24-hour period during the infectious period.
- Stay Home if You Don’t Feel Well
Consult with a health care provider. If you do not have a health care provider, please call the OC Health Care Agency’s Health Referral Line at 1(800) 564-8448.
- Stay Home When Possible
When you leave the house, avoid crowds and stay 6 feet apart from people not in your household.
- Do Not Gather
Do not mix households at this time.
- Wear a Face Covering
Wear a face covering you are around people not in your household, especially when indoors.
- Wash Your Hands Often
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose and Mouth with Unwashed Hands
- Clean and Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces
- Understand and Comply with the State’s Guideline for Your Business and Events
Orange County residents may search for a business or activity type by visiting https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ and typing in “Orange” in the County field, entering the business or activity type, and clicking, “GET LATEST STATUS.”
Learn more about the Stay Home Order here:
La orden de quedarse en casa se ha extendido
Para proteger nuestra comunidad de Santa Ana, todos deben hacer su parte. No se junte, lávese las manos, use una mascarilla. Protege Santa Ana.
Obtenga más información sobre la orden de quedarse en casa aquí: