Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Local sports legend Anthony Serrano, the head of the Santa Ana Boxing Club, has been arrested, according to the OC Weekly.  The official press release about this arrest has not yet been issued by the Orange County District Attorney’s office.  According to the Weekly, the “police arrested Serrano on charges that he sexually abused one of his boxers.”

Serrano has run the Santa Ana Boxing Club for the last ten years and is listed on their contact page.  The boxing club is part of the Orange County Youth Commission, which “was launched in 1997 by Rosemarie Avila and a group of concerned community members who recognized the needs of children in high-poverty areas of Orange County and wanted to make a difference in their lives,” according to their website.

The mission of the OC Youth Commission, according to their website, is to “bring hope and purpose to the children and youth in the inner city by developing a partnership among the business/private sector and faith community to provide wholesome activities that educate, train, inspire and transform lives.”

According to the OC Youth Commission’s website, “Back in the 70s, John Ramirez Sr. opened the gym. It was considered a safe haven for the young people in this low-income neighborhood. John Ramirez, Sr. had a way with the youth and when they entered the gym it was neutral ground. For years the City of Santa Ana has supported the gym with Community Development Block Grants.”

I received a phone call from the mother of one of the youngsters at the boxing club a few weeks ago.  She said she had pictures of teens drinking beer with Serrano and sure enough that is one of the pictures posted by the OC Weekly.  At the time I chose not to write about this as the SAPD was investigating the case.  Apparently they wrapped that up!

The mother told me that she had contacted OC Youth Commission board member Charles Hart about the allegations and he met with her, with a lawyer in tow.  They denied everything and that was that, except that of course the mother did not take no for an answer.  Hart is now a candidate for Ward 3 on the Santa Ana City Council, and I expect him to get dragged into this mess before it is over.

Hart, like Avila, is a Republican.  The OC Youth Commission does not list who is on their board of directors, on their website.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

8 thoughts on “Santa Ana boxing club’s leader allegedly arrested for sexual abuse”
  1. And city talks highly of this place….what a joke…’s time for a r/c track mr city manager. Just like you promised me! We need some thing new around here

  2. If I recall correctly, Michele was enthusiast about some boxers too, parading them in the council chamber, and Pulido gave Serrano the key to the city same as he did to indicted felon Henry T. Nicholas, III, Ph.D.

    Maybe Pulido should change lock on the city gate.

    If we would have the Red Light district in Santa Ana as I have proposed during my 2004, 2006 and 2008 mayoral candidacy we wouldn’t have these pesky sex scandals and have balanced budget — but No! — it would made Santa Ana look bad said Pulido, Alvarez and Bustamante.

  3. Charles hart not only knew.. there are emails where he states that he wants one of the victims GONE – he had placed the offender Serrano on 2 weeks paid suspension and then went back and forth in emails of how long they shoudl keep him out as to have “no residual” victims.. AND just for the record there are more than ONE victim!!! Charles Hart’s staff discuss how the Mother needed to be shut up and that his candidacy was of the upmost importance! without elaborating on the SAPD investigation which is ON going, there is PHYSICAL evidence in this case. Okkkk ??? NOT just boys coming fwd which is plenty but other very important evidence! Also, Kate Medina the Exc Dir there at the OCYC knew of the victim in 2008.. Oh you bet they have explaining to do! Charles Hart and the OCYC apparently will no longer be sponsoring the SABC.. Charles Hart is an animal and notice on his announcement for City Council he states he will combat “sex Offenders” !! This Man & his wife are DISGUSTING!

  4. Mr. Hart announced his candidacy 8/13/12??? A month after the arrest..??? KNOWING he was so involved in cover up ????& there over 75 emails between himself & staff @ OCYC discussing the issue and Molestation!!!! he was in a parade this weekend !!! One of the boys left OCYC SABC and the offender stalked the boy & family for six months & HART was advised of every single incident. The family got a restraning order went to SAPD for stalking/harassment and HART sent Mother email stating he could not fire Offender because offender could sue him for wrongful termination and promised for the 5th time there would be an investigation – (and this is 3 months AFTER the Offender had already been put on 2 weeks suspension PAID and HART returned him to the Club) After meeting with one of the Mother’s HART never called her back but she emailed him every instance of stalking … so there is very very good AWESOME record keeping here !!! as the emails that were released of the OCYC will reflect the entire board of OCYC was involved in covering this up!!!!!! All true!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will hear much more from the Civil Lawyers representing the victims! Mr. Hart KNEW and his City Council aspirations were far more important than these poor little Mexican kids getting molested! It enrages the families that HART is still out there trying to get elected KNOWING that the bottom is falling out under him! Unbelieveable!!!! Stay Tuned there is so much more to this case! Charles Hart is a criminal!!!! The things he did and more importantly did not do are going to have severe consequences! And even more disgusting he has a blog OC Register article on his Facebook page about Bustamante … ahhhh Calling the kettle black here!!!!! ??? Stay Tuned! One Mother’s tenasity .. her documentation.. Hart assumed he was dealing w/ an immigrant illiterate Mother that they could discredit easily WRONG EPIC MISTAKE!!! Her son finally after being hunted down like an animal by this Coach, he finally realized he had to come fwd – the coach was never going to let him get away.. he had to make sure the boy did not talk! And boy finally realized he had to tell someone! And so he told the SAPD .. and the Coach is now in jail for 2 victims now this point..who knows if there are still charges as this continues to be an on going investigation!!! HART was made aware of each & every instance of stalking & HART never ever ONCE returned a call from parents but funny thing, the day the boy goes to SAPD HArt shows up @ police station stating he was mandated and concerned for the boys!!!! He is a Con artist a criminal & The City of Santa Ana will NEVER elect him if these families can help it!

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