OCTA CEO Will Kempton told his employees on Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012, that he is leaving the County Transportation Authority in February of next year. He is joining an organization in Sacramento called Transportation California.
Transportation California is a diversified, non-partisan, non-profit coalition representing a broad spectrum of business, labor, and planning agencies which have united to create the state’s leading transportation advocacy and public education group. The organization was founded in 1990. Today its member companies and groups account for more than 200,000 California jobs.
Transportation California is a coalition of groups and individuals concerned about the future of California’s transportation networks. Our members are highway contractors as well as trade associations and other groups. These include the Automobile Club of Southern California, Associated General Contractors of California, The Engineering and Utility Contractors Association, the Southern California Contractors Association, the California Alliance for Jobs, labor interests such as the Operating Engineers and Laborers unions, cement and aggregate suppliers, business groups, and regional transportation planning agencies.
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