Please join the OC Streetcar team in a virtual open house on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 6 p.m. to learn about construction activities, lane closures, parking restrictions and property access as track construction moves along Santa Ana Boulevard, from Bristol Street to Parton Street.
A brief presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. This meeting will be held in English and Spanish.
This meeting will be hosted through Zoom. If you have internet access, you can participate in the meeting online; if not, you can call 1-669-900-6833 (Meeting ID: 817 0171 7916#). Please contact us if you would like a hard copy of the presentation.
To join online, visit
Recordings of the open house will be available on You can get more project information by visiting the website, emailing or calling (844) 746-6272.
OC Streetcar Virtual Open House 8 de Septiembre de 2021, 6 pm