Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

The OC Labor Federation says it’s highly opposed to elected officials contracting-out city services to private companies. It’s a top principle of theirs and for example drives the OC Employees Association’s political campaign against the City of Costa Mesa’s current city council.

But — the OC Labor Federation endorsed both Santa Ana Councilmember Benavides for Mayor and Councilmember Sarmiento for re-election. Hello — don’t they know this Council has been privatizing like crazy!  Not just graffiti and landscaping services a couple of years ago, but this year alone they contracted out parking management services and street sweeping services. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and dozens of employees jobs given away to for-profit companies. This may not be all bad, but labor leaders claim it is.

This occurred to me because the city just mailed to residents (right before the election) a glossy newsletter featuring the councilmembers names – a fluff piece with an article about the contracting out. The article is the first one in the newsletter and starts with:

“Street Sweeping Has a New Look. The City of Santa Ana has contracted with Athena Services to provide citywide street sweeping services and Central Parking Systems, Inc. to provide parking enforcement services.”

The article goes on and on about why privatization is a good thing for residents.

Again, this only shows why the labor federation staff of Teferi Gebre and Julio Perez are so off the mark. Perez is their political director and Gebre is his boss. They show time and time again they can’t win big races, shoot straight or vet their candidates for bad votes before making endorsements.

When will the labor federation pull the endorsements of Benavides and Sarmiento? Did they lie directly about not contracting out or did they lie by omission?

Now the labor federation is doing a fundraiser for them this Friday. Are they going to use the campaign money to tell Republicans they helped balance the deficit by contracting out?

When are labor union members going to ask Gebre and Perez to resign? They are useless. It’s time.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

9 thoughts on “OC Labor Fed failed to review Benavides’ and Sarmiento’s outsourcing history”
  1. Good insights Art. I also noticed that the O.C. Business Council is backing Sarmiento and his new “Santa Ana Majority” I guess they figure they have the Labor Unions intheir back pockets so why not expand the fundraising opportunities with the Anti-Union crowd.

  2. Editor,

    The new council majority have been taking steps to correct the deals made with labor and public safety unions in the past responsible for the large city deficit that was responsible for the city on the brink of bankruptcy .

    Labor and public safety unions understand the actions of the new majority council . These outsourcing steps are necessary to place the city in financial stability.

    If not then the city goes bankrupt and more of their employees will be out of work. A financially stable city is capable of providing employment within their means. It is a win -win relationship.

    See………..they all are smarter than you think.

  3. Good insights Falcon Life!
    Kind of like how for decades, the council with the exception of maybe Tinajero have figured that they have Latinos in their back pockets so why not expand fundraising opportunities with the Anti-Latino crowd. (Rubber stamping, un-transparent, “New Development”).

  4. Who is thi New majority you kep talking about. Council is non prisan. Lookingout for the best for thier Wards. PERIOD.

    What is this attempt to try and overrule the voters?

  5. Representing the wards is exactly what the Pulido independent majority council plans to do. Something they could not do when the majority council was controlled by Pulido. It is why they separated from Pulido.

    The new majority is not controlled by one council member any more. When Pulido controlled it the will of the voters was overruled …………..this is the solution to your concern.

  6. I want to meet this Pulido dude who has these Super Hero like powers that make Six grown Councilmen and Councilwomen unable to vote the way they want to.

    Is it his mind controlling power or moral weakness exhibited by the other council members ?

    Vote for Al Amezqua’s daughters!

  7. I get that.

    But what changed?

    All of a sudden the same people are a “NEW” majority?

    Sounds like a power play to me.

    Lot’s of history here, obviousy, older than me. Bt, seems like a swapping of swords. No real change.

  8. Seth olivios,

    If that is your perception then you support who you like. Others will do the same.

  9. Carr Astro says:
    October 4, 2012 at 9:01 pm
    I want to meet this Pulido dude who has these Super Hero like powers that make Six grown Councilmen and Councilwomen unable to vote the way they want to.

    Is it his mind controlling power or moral weakness exhibited by the other council members ?

    Vote for Al Amezqua’s daughters!

    It is politics my friend . You are possibly the only guy that does not understand this .

    Only Valerie Amezcua is Alfredo’s daughter. YES ….VOTE FOR HER.

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