An SUV crashed into the Rankin Building at 4th and Sycamore in DTSA today just before 11:30 a.m., according to local community activist Igmar Rodas, who sent us a few pictures of the accident.
Apparently the driver, a Hispanic male, was moving foward into a parking space and he somehow jumped the curb and drove into the building.

The Rankin Building once housed the Rankin Dry Goods Company, which was started by John Herbert Rankin. He was born in Indiana around 1884. His father was born in Tennessee, and his mother was born in Indiana. Their names were John F. Rankin and Emma Rankin. Gordon Merrill Bothamley took over the Rankin store in 1947 and sold it not too long after that.

A witness told Rodas that as the SUV’s driver was parking, he suddenly accelerated instead of applying his brakes, which propelled him over the curb and into the building. There was one male driver with no passengers. No injuries were reported.
The SAPD investigated the accident. No arrests were reported.
He was moving forward and jumped the curb??? He was speeding while parking….The Hispanic (unlicensed) driver…..
Speeding is an act of moving forward if you want to get technical. On the unlicensed part how do you know? Are you able to confirm it?
Racist comment…assuming all Latinos are unlicensed. Just so you know all Californians regardless of immigration status can now apply for a license