Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

The Benavides Hatergate scandal blew up again today as Minuteman Lupe Moreno began a libelous jihad against Mexican civil rights activist Naui Huitzilopochtli.  Moreno forwarded a letter asking her hater supporters to attack Naui on the O.C. Register’s website.  The letter appears below.

Moreno filed a false police report with the SAPD claiming that Naui attacked a pastor at the Santa Ana Independence Day event that Moreno and her Minutemen friends took over.  Naui tells me that is a total lie and that he would be willing to go get a statement from the minister in question.

Here is the real question – what sort of minister hangs out with Minutemen?  Why does Lupe go all the way to Newport Beach to attend Liberty Baptist Church?  Does this church condone hatred of immigrants?  Click here to email the Pastor at Liberty Baptist.

Would Jesus have hated immigrants?  Did he not admonish us to look after the needy?  Shame on Moreno and Liberty Baptist for embracing an agenda worthy of Lucifer himself!

Here is Moreno’s hateful letter:

Dear friends,

As most of you know I have put an American Independence Day Event for the last 3 years in the city of Santa Ana with the help of most of you. We worked very hard and it was a great event. About 45 minutes before the event was over Naui showed up looking for me.

He did not find me right away and started problems with people attending. One of his videos even shows him filming while looking for me. He has spent the last 5 years hunting me down and shoving his camera in my face. He has made my grand children cry.

He verbally attacked someone at the event and he reacted and was filmed by Naui. It is on Utube now.

Naui also went after two pastors, but they spoke to him about Jesus Christ loving him and he left them alone. I had to call the police and they came out. By that time, Naui who is a coward took off.

It has made the local paper, only because one of the councilmen was going to give certificates to those on the committee including me. The whole Santa Ana city council walked out, because of my stand against illegal aliens.

I am asking to please read the article and send letters to the Santa Ana City Council and to the paper. There is a place on the Internet newspaper to leave comments on the most commented section. Please do not say anything that would cause more problems, counter Naui’s nasty comments.

Please, please pray for our cities and nation!!!

Thank you and blessings to all,


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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

19 thoughts on “Lupe Moreno declares jihad on Mexican civil rights activist”
  1. “By that time, Naui who is a coward took off.”

    Looks like Lupe is calling old Naui a yellow belly. Why did he turn tail when Lupe stood up to him? He should be braver. He bring shame on his people.

  2. Why is it that people like Naui use their knowledge and integrity to bring the truth to light, and people like Lupe Moreno scurry about in their darkness, trying to avoid it?

  3. Lupe is the worst kind of hypocrite. And Naui has the evidence to proof it. He’s recorded her swearing and behaving very unchristian-like.. That’s why she repeatedly slanders and commits libel. She knows he has the power to expose her as the true hateful hypocrite she is.

  4. Naui brings more pride to OUR people then any other single person I can think of.

  5. Pride in what Ms. Sanchez?

    Your kids are failing school miserably!
    Your teen pregnancy rate is through the roof
    Your fathers are leaving their children to the welfare dad
    Your City is crime ridden because of parental neglect
    Kids can not play in your streets
    You have kids killing kids

    ON and ON and ON

    The only single people you should be worrying about is the single mothers producing the gang members!

    I really do try to be tolerant, but you really are a thick of bunch of people. You should be glad you have Ms Moreno…. God knows you have very few willing to express concerns about you’re decaying culture in Santa Ana!

    Naui needs to focus his attacks on the school district instead of latinos who are willing to fight to stop the decay of your city!

  6. Naui is an incredible leader and makes every TRUE patriot PROUD. Time to wake up and realize that Europeans are the TRUE illegal immigrants that desacrated this land, this land that belonged to the indigenous including those in Mexico before the Spaniards came and raped the indigenous women and forced colonization.

  7. Denise,

    What would this land be like if the indigenous were in charge..MEXICO?

    As far as Naui being your incredible leader that would explain why Santa Ana is such a dump!

    Wise up stop living in the past and be glad for the fact that YOU LUGO have a chance to make it in a country that is great because of Europeans!

  8. I think it’s lame how we’re fighting each other when we should accept immigrants and fight the real terrorists.

  9. Have you know idea what is happening at the border? Mexico is becoming a narco state because the country is run by a bunch of half wits leading drug lords thinking that they could run the country much better!

    This country does except immigrants, but it is sick and tried of illegal immigrants from south of the border… Why? SANTA ANA!

  10. @MQ:

    I believe this this group originated in Huntington Beach.
    Check out PENI:

    “Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI) is an unusual hybrid of a racist skinhead gang, street gang and prison gang. Since the early 2000s, the group has grown considerably, particularly in California, where it originated, and has also spread to nearby states.”


  11. @MQ says:

    1) “What would this land be like if the indigenous were in charge..MEXICO?”

    This land would include thriving descendants of over 80 million Native Americans that were massacred by White Europeans.

    2) “I really do try to be tolerant, but you really are a thick of bunch of people.”

    Your tolerance shows right through…NOT.

    3) “Wise up stop living in the past and be glad for the fact that YOU LUGO have a chance to make it in a country that is great because of Europeans!”

    This country is great because contributions from immigrants from ALL races, nationalities and ethnicities, and NOT just because Europeans.

  12. brothers like naui give our people courage, gracias hermano, gracias por todo lo que haces.
    la lucha sigue.

  13. “his land would include thriving descendants of over 80 million Native Americans that were massacred by White Europeans.”


    Please tell me where they are thriving? The last time I went into a reservation it was pretty bad…

    “Your tolerance shows right through…NOT.”

    MQ says:

    I did say it was hard…I really have no tolerance for political correct nonsense!

    You have to admit the whole Mexican/Latino RA RA thing is getting a wee bit tiresome? I would like to see some real contributions before I get on the latino band wagon!
    I tend to go on facts not fantasy!

    “This country is great because contributions from immigrants from ALL races, nationalities and ethnicities, and NOT just because Europeans.”

    MQ says:

    Yes, you are right, all races has made this country great. I was taking about my ancestors contribution and it has been quite a large piece of the pie!

  14. Ollin,

    The courage to do what, attack old men and women who love their country and have seen over the last decade their once lovely neighborhoods become gang infested barrios?

    I wish the new found courage you talk about would include neighborhood watch groups, or even advocates for less fat kids and more educated one’s!

    Your BROTHER has done NOTHING to help any one in your neighborhood and he never will!

    Any moron can go around with a camera and harass old people!

    No offense OLD PEOPLE!

  15. I am sure there are white gangs in HB.. Skin heads as you call them ( You would not like Ireland, skin heads are all over the place!)

    Let’s be serious, who is killing who in Santa Ana? I have not heard ONE report of a SKIN HEAD killing a Mexican gang member!

  16. Honorable American patriot Lupe Moreno is a righteous voice in the Hispanic-American community. It is funny how you Neo-Nazi Faschistic Reconquistas are starting to crap your pants seeing many Hispanic-Americans supporting the great United States Of America and how MeCHA and La Raza is dying in power. Look up the “Plan Of San Diego” and it will expose how vile you Reconquista racist bigots are. By the way, most of the American patriots who are staunchly against open borders are NOT White-American. My parents immigrated LEGALLY from a predominately Muslim country in the Middle East and they are taxpayers, contribute to American Society and are well educated and contribute positively to American society, that is right, and you heard it. Americans of all races whether Black, White, Latino, Native, South Asian, East Asian, Mid Eastern, or Pacific Islander will unite to protect our borders on the South Side of our country. Look up other Faschistic Reconquistas like Hector Carreon and how he has more hatred against Jews then Adolf Hitler or David Duke. This just proves how Reconquistas are Nazis.

    Why do you think people are against open borders? Because drugs and narco trafficing dont come from Canada. Also, there is an empty peace of land 80 miles inside the state of Arizona where there is illegal aliens from the south creating a base of narco-trafficing. Here is my proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ96hVPHLyk.
    Another proof of Reconquista hate and fanaticism:
    Alex Jones on the NCLR hate group:
    La Raza hate speech:

    This just proves how you Reconquistas are brainwashed with hate and bigotry just like the Ku Klux Klan, the Neo Nazis, and Al-Qaeda. Every citizen in the Great United States of America will rise to the sleeping giant, including Hispanic-Americans and will unite against Reconquista faschism. The Nazis fell in WW2, The Soviets fell in the late 1990s, Gaddafi fell in 2011, Mubarak fell in 2011, Ben Ali fell in 2011 and Reconquista Faschism will fall too! It will be like a revolution so stop your hating and accept that California, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico are AMERICAN LAND!

  17. By the way, I was a ex-Libtard, now I am a proud Conservative! Long live the Revolution and down with Reconquista Nazism!

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