Make a difference and join commuters nationwide when you ride a train, bus, vanpool, carpool, bike, or walk to work during Rideshare Week 2011. A “Ride-shar-er” is a positive force in the community, dedicated to protecting both the environment and the quality of life in Orange County. Plus, if you make ridesharing a regular part of your commute, you could save up to $1,000 a year!
Pledge today to participate in Rideshare Week, and you could win great prizes, like an Apple iPad.
It’s super simple to pledge. Just answer a few simple questions and commit to ditching your car for one or more days during Rideshare Week. You’ll be taking an important step toward protecting the environment, reducing wear-and-tear on your vehicle and saving money.
Pledge today and share the ride during Rideshare Week!
Who is the Ride-shar-er?
The Ride-shar-er knows that driving alone, listening to the same boring radio station is not the best way to commute. Instead, the Ride-shar-er finds different ways to get there – faster, and for less money, stress, and wear and tear on the car and the environment.
While the solo commuter is dumping 9.1 pounds of hydrocarbons, 62.5 pounds of carbon monoxide, and 4.9 pounds of nitrogen oxides into our environment each year, the Ride-shar-er is zipping through traffic in the carpool lane, making new friends on buses, vanpools and trains, and staying fit by riding a bike or walking to work.
Be the Ride-shar-er
They bank more money. Do the math yourself: a single person commuting by bus, train or vanpool, instead of driving alone, can save 200 gallons of gasoline a year. The average price of gas today is $3.75 a gallon, which means the Ride-shar-er can save as much as $750 on gas alone — and much more when you factor in maintenance and parking!
A single person commuting by bus, train or vanpool, instead of driving alone, can save 200 gallons of gasoline a year
Take the challenge to give up your same-old solo commute for just one week. Try it during Rideshare Week, and you can win great prizes! But why wait until Rideshare Week? Try it today and see it from the Ride-shar-ers side.
Download Resources
Help spread the word with the following resources:
• Poster PDF
• Postcard PDF
• Artwork (various icons)