Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

An old friend of mine got really upset at me this week for something I wrote about failed Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua.  I told him that Amezcua lied to the voters, by registering to vote at his law office, while living in a home that was NOT in the Rancho Santiago Community College District Area that he was elected to represent, but this fell on deaf ears.

I also got into it on Facebook this week with another Amezcua acolyte who said that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido stole the election, in November.  Really?  People really believe that could happen?  Astounding.

This got me to thinking – have the rabid Amezcua followers become a cult?  Check out the definition of the word “cult” from

  1. A particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
  2. An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
  3. The object of such devotion.
  4. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
  5. A group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

No question about it.  Charismatic people are able to start cults and cultivate them.  Amezcua is indeed a charming guy, when he wants to be.  But his followers, like the cultists they have become, are blind to the facts:

  • Amezcua was Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s good buddy for some twenty years.  They worked together many years ago to end gang violence.  They worked together to recall Nativo Lopez.  They were two peas in a pod, until 2008, when Amezcua inexplicably turned on Pulido, and talked Council Member Michele Martinez into running an ill-fated campaign for Mayor, against Pulido.
  • While Pulido has moved steadily to the left, influenced by progressive Council Members Martinez, Sal Tinajero and Vincent Sarmiento, Amezcua moved to the right this year.  He ended up allying with some of the most unsavory Latino bashers in Santa Ana.
  • As I noted, Amezcua lied to the voters.  I spoke to a Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee recently who corroborated what happened.  It was none other than former RSCD Chancellor Eddie Hernandez who found out Amezcua had committed fraud and asked him to resign from the Board.  Amezcua did resign, but as he did so he told the public he was doing it to bring new blood to the Board.  That was another lie.
  • Amezcua also appears to have changed his name on traffic tickets, allegedly in order to avoid messing up his driving record.
  • A few years ago, when Amezcua opened his now defunct Santa Ana Business Bank, I wrote that it was a bad idea.  He had his lawyer send me a nastygram.  Well, I was right.  He sold the bank at a loss and his investors lost their shirts.

But none of this matters to the Amezcua cult.  They simply ignore the facts.  It is sad.  Many otherwise good people have been fooled by this man.

I think a lot of this is because these folks uniformly hate Pulido.  So while Amezcua was flawed, they jumped on board his campaign in order to get back at Pulido.

Pulido is what he is.  He pushes the envelope at times but he is very careful. And he has been involved in many good votes this past year.  He voted to support the Dream Act.  He voted to honor Harvey Milk Day.  He voted to condemn Arizona’s racist SB 1070.  But the Amezcua cultists don’t care.  In their book Pulido is bad, no matter what he does to the contrary.

I will say this for Pulido.  He is a good family man.  He goes to church.  He is a longtime supporter of many non-profits and charities, and the arts.  He does some things at times that some folks call unethical, but unlike Amezcua he has never lied to the voters.

As for Amezcua, I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.  But he needs to come clean about what he did and why he really quit the RSCCD Board.

What about the Amezcua cultists?  They need to get a grip.  They bought a bill of goods.  It is time to face reality.  Amezcua lost, and he lost badly.  Time to move on people!

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

14 thoughts on “Have Alfredo Amezcua’s followers become a cult?”
    1. anon,

      I reject that notion. This post is not an attack. I am asking a serious question. Why do Amezcua’s followers ignore the facts?

      Did you know that Nativo Lopez was jailed and is being prosecuted for registering to vote at an address he did not live at? That is exactly what Amezcua did. Why are you OK with that?

  1. Art,

    This is yet another typical comment from “anon”. He comes in throws a rock and then runs away. Look at how he came in about the neighborhood associations and then ran away.

    I agree that this is not an attack but rather just asking the question.

  2. You call Amezcua supports “rabid”. You call them “cultists”.

    All written with kindness in your heart. Right.

    With each passing day, your “conversion” looks more and more suspect. And this blog looks more and more like Pulido’s public mouthpiece.

    1. anon,

      Their behavior has indeed been rabid. How else would you explain their belief that the election was stolen and their many baseless attacks on Pulido?

      We will criticize Pulido if he does something that warrants it. Do you have a particular issue that needs to be addressed? Why not raise said issue instead of attacking me?

      As for your last point, we believe the City of Santa Ana should hire a PIO. We are not here to be anyone’s mouthpiece. Our mission is to point out the good things happening in town and to provide a forum for open discourse about Santa Ana.

  3. no I am not okay with that actually. Just seeing how you guys are always defending Pulido lately…so calling it like I see it.
    The New Santa Ana PR firm for Pulido

    1. Artist,

      Listen, if Pulido does something that hurts our people or our city we will call him on it. So far he has not. This past year he and the Council have done a good job.

      Glad to hear that you are holding Amezcua accountable.

  4. Well the “service fee” story has not only been reported as unethical by
    The LA Times
    The OC Register
    Huffington Post
    OC WEEKLY (who of course you guys are not in love with)
    The Voice of OC
    and now…the spanish TV is picking up the story and questioning the Mayor..

    so I am gonna have to say that you are using your bias as blinders. Blog away! I mean SPIN away…Santa Ana now has it’s own version of FOX NEWS. Ha Ha Ha Ha

    1. artist,

      Our blogger Sean Mill already pointed that out but underscored the fact that Pulido broke NO laws. So all of those articles are much ado about nothing.

  5. artist,

    Mayor Pulido did nothing illegal or unethical with this “success fee”. Is he not allowed to earn a living outside his position as Mayor? Is he not allowed to get paid for the work that he does?

    His involvement in that real estate deal was no different than the involvement of folks everyday. He put together a consortium to by the property and he should be rewarded for doing so. Not illegal….Not unethical.

    Being registered at an address that you don’t live and vote and worse yet get elected to office from is very illegal. Why don’t you address that?

  6. Amescua is accused of being a Cultist. Obama is too. I’m sure all of us in the artist village are going to be next. So be it.

    1. Amezcua is not a cultist he is a cult leader. Two very different scenarios.

      As for Obama, I am glad to see he is trying to do the right thing now instead of just the partisan thing.

      Finally, the Artist Village will go down only if the artists let that happen.

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