Join Santa Ana Active Streets (SAAS) on Thursday, November 4, from 4-6 p.m. at the corner of 17th Street and Main Street to receive a free bike light and helmet during the Lights Alive or Luces Vivas event.
In addition, receive free reflective wristbands, learn about COVID-19 information resources from Latino Health Access, and more.
We intentionally set up our stations at intersections in the City of Santa Ana that have recorded high collision rates for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Materials will be distributed until they run out, so please arrive in a timely manner to ensure you receive the items. To volunteer or for more information visit saascoalition.org/events or contact Dorian Romero at (714) 340-5186/ dorian@saascoalition.org.
Santa Ana Active Streets is contracted by the City’s Public Works Traffic Engineering Division to host education and interactive events for traffic safety. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Schools should teach kids in Elementary how to cross a street as a pedestrian and when riding bikes. Also Teach in high school how to obay police when getting pulled over so it can help them when they get older.