With Roman Reyna now thinking that his approximately 10th grade education is good enough to qualify him to be Mayor of Santa Ana, it’s time for the residents of this city to insist on changes to the city charter to protect them from the same political problems that took down the City of Bell.
To run for the President of the U.S. you need to be 35 years old and 14 years a resident. Why not have a few legal safeguards to protect cities? Mayors are essentially Chief Executives. Would any of you hire Reyna to run your company?
It’s time for a city charter change requiring all candidates for Mayor to have AT LEAST a high school degree or GED. In this day and age it doesn’t take anything to get a High School degree or GED in the Santa Ana Unified School district, and yet Reyna apparently couldn’t figure out how to get his even after he got elected to the SAUSD’s School Board. Gang bangers and other academic losers walk the line each year at Santa Ana stadium and get their diplomas yet Roman couldn’t figure out how to do the same?

Since we can’t recall Reyna for being dumb, and he’s already elected to the City Council, lets push for a charter change that would require at bare minimum a high school diploma to run for city council. This would protect the city from the next “Roman Reyna” who may decide he or she wants to parlay his or her failed high school education into a political career.
Sounds like Mikey is feeling the heat, better go collect coins for that legal defense fund….people in this city want change …don’t matter who it is…also Mikey we want our old fire department back
Change is fine but surely we can do better than Reyna?
Let’s see. Miguelito comes to this country illegally. Michelle is a gang banger who sells drugs and Roman is a high school drop out. Sounds like the elected officials represent their city well. Illegal Aliens, Gang Bangers, Drug Dealers, High Schol Drop Outs. Yep. That’s Santa Ana.
I’m from Jupiter am I an illegal alien ?
Oh I hate that term. I prefer undocumented.
Wow! I was not aware that he was a high school dropout. Why hasn’t this been a issue during his candidacy for the school board or his candidacy for the council?It is sad that people vote for him not because he is a shiny example of achieving the American dream but because he has a pleasant friendly personality. He seems to be the best home grown candidate for Mayor that the city of Santa Ana can offer. Sad!
Well I certainly did not support his School Board campaign but that was a crowded race and he outworked the other candidates. He won, barely, then only served one term before running for the City Council.
In a city full of families with kids it is also disconcerting that Reyna is in his 40’s and is still not married.
Maybe he’s not ready for a ball and chain….
Or maybe nobody wants him cuz he’s a loser.
I see the usual “out of town” intrests are glowing over at the Voice Of OC. calling Roman perfectly “qualified”.
There is a great story about Roman’s dead Father and Brother (both convicted drug dealers) here:
I rather wish Roman could run on his own merits instaead of what investors and developers are trying to frame him as being. Santa Ana has serious issues and these clowns want to put Roman Reyna in charge.
The real drug dealers are pulido …the city has over a hundred medical marijauna shops with no permits making well over 6 digits a month ….and they just opened 3 more according to weedmaps
It’s nothing to compared to Romans family…that’s the real joke and he made our city the capital of medical marijuana dispenseries if he was so strait we would stop them all…and he is the mayor and he is in charge of our city ….all your stupid stories have no merit
..if your trying to sting,you just got stung
He is a part time Mayor with exactly one vote on the Council. Reyna is part of the Council cabal that fired our last City Manager and now runs this town. If you are unhappy with the results then you need to take that up with Reyna not Pulido.