Connect-to-Council’s Resource Event! For the neighborhoods in Ward 1…
- Cedar Evergreen
- Cornerstone Village
- Delhi
- Lyon Street
- Madison Park
- Saddleback View
- Sandpointe
- Santa Ana Memorial Park
Bringing the most current resource information to your neighborhood, including:
1) What can be done about unsightly abandoned property in our neighborhood? (Residential & Commercial)
2) How can we make our neighborhoods safer?
3) What is the future for our neighborhood parks?
Date: Wednesday , February 29, 2011
Time: 6:00pm Meet and Greet | Program- 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: Washington Elementary School (Multi-purpose room)
910 W. Anahurst Place, Santa Ana, CA 92707
For: Ward 1 neighborhood leaders & those wanting to make a difference
For More Information Call: 714-557-3812 (or 714-836-1507 para Español)
Connecting neighborhoods with helpful resources!
Are you crazy????
Dawn would never let me leave the safe confines of Irvine after dark. Especially to that Scary Hell Hole.
You know Chris and I write about this stuff all the time but we never really go there…..Well chris does to Blog on the county dime, which he still get’s away with.
I am suprised nobody has called the acting dircetor, Bob Wilson at (714) 834-6254 to complain.
I gotta go buy some organic strawberries at the great park.
I’m so glad there are such active people willing to dedicate the time it takes to make a real difference! Kudos to you folks!