You are invited to be part of creating a sustainable vision for the Harbor Boulevard corridor. The City of Santa Ana is hosting a Community Workshop on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, at 3904 West First Street (Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union Building), from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Come see draft land use concepts for the Harbor Boulevard Corridor Plan. These ideas reflect two years of study and outreach with local residents, businesses, property owners, and stakeholders.
Harbor Boulevard represents one of the City’s first efforts to implement the principles of a “complete” street with land use concepts.
You can also share your thoughts and ideas by visiting the project webpage or by contact the City Planning Division:
Sergio Klotz (714) 667-2792
The City of Santa Ana is committed to identifying opportunities for urban and transit-oriented mixed-use development and more affordable housing along key transit corridors such as Harbor Boulevard. The new Harbor Corridor Plan will create a vision for:
- Housing and mixed-use development opportunities
- Economic vitality and new opportunities for businesses and residents
- Transportation choices, particularly pedestrian and bicycle
- A sense of place
Additionally, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will also need to be prepared once the new vision is crafted. The EIR will evaluate the potential impacts of any new land use vision, as well as any related changes to the City’s existing General Plan policies and North Harbor Boulevard Specific Plan zoning.
Get Involved and Stay In Touch. Public gatherings are planned for the community to participate in shaping the new vision for Harbor Boulevard corridor. You are also invited to share your ideas or questions by sending an e-mail to or calling 714.667.2792. CLICK HERE to be contacted regarding future Harbor Plan meetings and updates.