Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Michele Martinez and her pals

Everyone loves blog contests, so we have come up with a real fun one!  How about we give a prize to whoever gets the best video of Santa Ana Council Members David Benavides and/or Michele Martinez drunk in public on their alleged nightly pub crawls?

I am told that they love to hang out at Chapter One: the Modern Local, so try that venue out first.

Our first prize will be a free banner ad for one month for the non-profit or business of your choice.  If you happen to get lucky and record a Brown Act violation we will give you two free months of advertising!

Here is a video of Michele when she’s sober – again we’re looking for Michele living La Vida Loca, not Michele bragging about herself:

Here are some more of Michele’s self-promoting videos – dig the weird porno music and Michele referring to herself in the third person – classic!:

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

15 thoughts on “Catch Michele Martinez and David Benavides in the act and win a prize!”
  1. “……Guide our publics interest through tough hurdles”

    I think she ment “public intrests”.

    and before this week, I believed the objective to be jump or leap over hurdles, not crash through them.

    But after the last month, maybe Michele was foreshadowing: Tinajero and company are STEAMROLLING thier agenda over the voters.

    Was this video in jest?

  2. Come on Admin

    David Benavides is a Christan and a “FAM MAN”.

    He loves his wife and kids. They spend everymoment together. Read his Facebook page, he eats veggie burgers with the “Fam”.

    He stays in shape walking the “Family Dog”.

    Why the effort to look so good David?

  3. Sh%t, I be so not down with some simple b!tch who getz me soum ghetto pad in santana,

    Sum b!tch in a cute volvo ain’t gonna hold dis playa back. Dat dum b!tch jus gimmin me kidz.

    I be rollin’ Harleys and nailin’ Asian P#ssy left and rite bro’s. Dat sille b!tch worken n getin me loans es muy bien! HA! FREE HOUSE BABY!

    SSHHH! Em be digin’ mac n cheese wit da ninos and Papi be rockin da sh!t downtown con michele (HO).

    Viva Santa Ana

      1. The pictures leading to their downfall will not be posted to this blog. They will be turned over to the public corruption units at the Orange County District Attorney’s Office and the FBI. A day of reckoning is coming…

  4. I’m not sure why you hate on Benavides and Martinez so much. It is quite annoying. It has actually shifted me away from reading your blogs in the past year. I think these two individuals represent the true demographics of Santa Ana. Art, you were once a true person who fought against the corruption of Pulido but apparently your actions and thoughts are cheaply bought. You have become a puppet of that scum Pulido and his other cronies.

    You’re a hater!

    1. Martinez and Benavides went along with the Ream regime for almost six years. He is gone because of the efforts of Claudia Alvarez.

      Pulido, as an immigrant, represents a demographic that Benavides and Martinez don’t belong to.

      I supported Martinez when she ran for Mayor. Since then she, like Benavides has sold out to the special interests. And today she appears to be unhinged.

      Both Martinez and Benavides talk about making our city more vibrant but neither one has a clue as to how to accomplish that goal.

      Do we need a revolution in town? Sure. But these lame Council members don’t represent any change that I want anything to do with.

      Finally, of this blog is so offensive to you there is a some remedy. Don’t read it. We get over two thousand views a day and quite simply won’t miss you.

  5. Interesting to see that now that “Gil” and Sean Mill and others who are now city hall “insiders” don’t mind the corruption and refuse to speak out against the current councilmembers.

  6. I LOVE David!

    Even though Emily hates us, we are stronger together. Pretty soon those kids will be calling ME Mommy.

    When David is mayor, were gonna move to a BIG house, he promised. Just like he promised me an egagement ring (well he bought himself a cheesy motorcycle instead)!

    He doesn’t have eyes for anybody but ME! That’s why I don’t care if he goes out to Downtown Santa Ana and accepts free drinks (well, he hasn’t actually sold any houses so, they better be free).


  7. Will you please give us an update on the Sparky Hoax?
    That was far more interesting than the daily bashing of Martinez and Benavides.
    We want to know who done it.
    If you do not know, then at least give us your theory.
    It wasn’t me, so please take me off your list of suspects.

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