Fri. Jun 21st, 2024

If criminals want to venture into Irvine they may want to avoid any issues with their vehicles. The Irvine Police are always vigilant!

In the latest example of this a suspect was driving a vehicle with fake vehicle registration tabs. When Irvine Police officers pulled him offer he offered up a fake name.

Before too long the police officers were having a look inside the suspect’s car, which led to finding a loaded 9 mm short barrel AR-style pistol inside the suspect’s car, on Tuesday night at the Best Buy Parking lot.

The suspect was arrested for outstanding warrants and weapons charges. Those warrants indicate this was a long-term criminal who apparently is not too bright as he keeps getting caught… We can also assume that the suspect is now looking at spending some time in court and eventually in state prison.

By Editor

The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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