Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Alfredo Amezcua and Sean Mill

Alfredo Amezcua and Sean Mill

Alfredo Amezcua presided over another meeting of his community organization, the Santa Ana Collaborative for Responsible Development (SACRED) Community Coalition, tonight at the Santa Ana Public Law Center, at 7 pm.

There must have been over 20 in attendance.  We heard from Erualdo Gonzalez, who is affiliated with Cal State Fullerton and the Centro Cultural de Mexico; Susan Luevano; and Ezequiel Gutierrez, J.D., from the Public Law Center.  They discussed research they have collected in the area affected by the Santa Ana Station District development.

Ezequeil Gonzalez and Michael Metcalfe

Ezequiel Gutierrez J.D., and Michael Metcalfe

We also were introduced to Michael Metcalfe, an affable urban planner who has many years experience with such developments.  Metcalfe is working with Amezcua’s group Pro Bono.

Eric Altman and Zeke Hernandez

Eric Altman and Zeke Hernandez

Eric Altman of OCCORD was also there.  He helped the group to identify six areas to focus on, including:

  • Housing
  • Preservation – Cultural, Social and Historic
  • Open and Green Space; Environmental Health; and Public Transportation
  • Youth Development/Education
  • Business/Employment
  • and Security/Seniors

Alfredo Amezcua

Dr. Arturo Lomeli

Towards the end of the meeting we were asked to break into small groups.  Over the next two weeks we will discuss with the issues referenced above and then meet again on September 30, as a group, at 7 pm. We will be meeting at the Public Law Center, located at 601 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA (office phone#: 714/541-1010).

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

3 thoughts on “Alfredo Amezcua’s development committee hits its stride”
  1. Note: That’s Ezequiel Gutierrez, JD, M. Urban Planning & M.Arch. of the PLC in the photo above Eric Altman.

  2. Ezequiel and Mike,

    Sorry guys! I was up till 12 working on this and got sleepy, ergo the typo. Fixed now….

    Thank you both for your work on this project.

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