Mon. Sep 9th, 2024
N Broadway was closed at the MainPlace Mall after the accident

As we reported last night on our Facebook page, an unidentified man was struck by a vehicle and killed as he walked on an off-ramp from the 5 Freeway, in Santa Ana, late on Saturday night.

The incident occurred at around 9:27 p.m. at the N. Broadway/Main St. off-ramp, from the southbound 5 Freeway. That off-ramp send vehicles southbound on Broadway. 

Apparently the victim was walking on the off-ramp while a vehicle was trying to exit the 5 Freeway onto N. Broadway, according to the O.C. Register.

Vehicles often speed off the off-ramp in order to merge left right away so they can turn left onto Santa Clara and proceed on to N. Main St.

The off-ramp was shut down for the investigation, according to the CHP.

The identities of the driver and the victim have not been disclosed thus far. One of our readers said the driver was in an Impala. 

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

2 thoughts on “A pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle exiting the 5 Freeway in Santa Ana last night”
  1. The vehicle I saw was an old pickup truck. Saw the body of the poor fella, he was then covered with a white garment lying down on his back.

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