Contact: Sandra Peña Sarmiento, Director, Email: info@ocfilmfiesta.org, Phone: 619-701-0073
3rd Annual OC Film Fiesta Returns to Santa Ana Sept. 1-16
Free Film Festival Celebrates Orange County’s Cinema Heritage
The 3rd Annual OC Film Fiesta returns to Santa Ana September 1-16 for a free three-week cinematic celebration of Orange County’s multicultural heritage. Presented by the City of Santa Ana, the 2012 OC Film Fiesta takes place in Santa Ana’s vibrant downtown Artists Village.
The OC Film Fiesta presents an award-winning selection of feature films, documentaries, short films and activities for a diverse audience of families, students, artists, professionals and lovers of cinema from throughout the county.
Launched in 2010, the OC Film Fiesta adds to the cultural vitality of downtown Santa Ana, promotes community involvement and deepens relationships with local cultural groups, businesses, colleges and the film industry. The Film Fiesta takes place in conjunction with the annual Fiestas Patrias Mexican Independence Celebration, which draws 250,000 attendees to downtown Santa Ana. Additionally, the OC Film Fiesta brings Hollywood glamour to the heart of OC with special guests such as Hector Jimenez (Nacho Libre), Miguel Rodarte (Saving Private Perez) and Ted Thomas (Walt & El Grupo), son of legendary Disney animator Frank Thomas.
The 2012 Film Fiesta will feature special screenings in partnership with the Road Less Traveled, Grand Central Art Center, United Artists of Santa Ana and the Mexican Consulate. The Film Fiesta will also present a Cinema Brunch series and international animation showcase.
The OC Film Fiesta is free and open to the public. Screenings will take place at various locations throughout Santa Ana’s Artist Village, which is located at 207 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Join us for this year’s Film Fiesta, and be a part of this dynamic cinema celebration in the historic heart of downtown OC!
The Film Fiesta is presented by the City of Santa Ana and produced by Pocharte. Visit www.ocfilmfiesta.org for festival information.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available:
To be a part of the 2012 Film Fiesta or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Festival Director Sandra “Pocha” Peña at info@ocfilmfiesta.org or Development Director Victor Payan at victor@ocfilmfiesta.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 619-701-0073.
The 2012 OC Film Fiesta is presented by the City of Santa Ana with support from the Mexican Consulate in Santa Ana, OC Weekly, MX Live, The Road Less Traveled, Grand Central Art Center, United Artists of Santa Ana, Stay Connected and Aztec GoldTV. Produced by Pocharte.