Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

All the politicians in Santa Ana swear that education is a top issue for them, from State Senator Lou Correa, to U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez and Assemblyman Jose Solorio.  However there are NO candidates’ debates scheduled this year for the Santa Ana Unified School District and Rancho Santiago Community College District races.  I find this incredible but this is not the first time this has happened.  Two years ago there were also no SAUSD School Board candidates debates or forums.

This was not the case back in the day, when at least the PTA would get involved.  But now our voters have no such opportunity to see the school board candidates in action.  This is deplorable! 

Other communities, such as Irvine, do host school board candidates’ forums, but here in Santa Ana this simply doesn’t happen.

At the very least I would like to see Senator Lou Correa host candidates forums for both the SAUSD and the RSCCD candidates in the RSCCD board room.

You can email the various administrators at the SAUSD about this here.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

39 thoughts on “Why is no one hosting Santa Ana School Board candidates’ debates?”
  1. When I was at the college we had several forums for city and RSSCCD candidates, I have encouraged the student goverment to hold a RSCCD forum but no responce as of yet. Would be nice to see one…

  2. Because that whole “Education First” thing was a tagline that Richardson and company developed years ago.

    Rob was overheard at St. Joseph’s recently, where he and Vivian regularly attend Mass, commenting that he didn’t really like children, that his job was to provide “political and fiscal oversight”.

    You have to give the credit for having balls and telling the truth.

    Besides those things, his handlers get to keep a white guy (childless) on the board!

  3. @Tony Tapia – How could you be taken seriously as a candidate in a debate? You didn’t even pay the required fee for a candidate statement.

    1. But Tony is going to walk all the precincts in his Area. Nelida won’t do that and Gordon can’t do that.

      Tom Daly didn’t buy a statement either by the way and he will likely win as well I guess November.

  4. I think the Teachers Union should sponsor the debates. They have the most to gain or lose.

  5. I’ve met Valerie and she is a bright young woman and should not be treated in this way by your readers Mr. Art.

    1. Sadly blog comments sometimes fail to account for the fact that these are human beings we’re talking about. Running for office is a major undertaking and even if we don’t like a candidate we should appreciate that they are trying.

    2. Valerie is far from bright, kinda like her father…She rude and abrasive and should not serve the public in any fashion.

  6. Editor says:
    September 26, 2012 at 11:47 am
    Sadly blog comments sometimes fail to account for the fact that these are human beings we’re talking about. Running for office is a major undertaking and even if we don’t like a candidate we should appreciate that they are trying.

    If I was to use this language about you, Pulido or anyone else you benefit from protecting you would edit the language. You edit frequently,including some of my comments you labeled as propaganda.

    Why the selective editing?

    Your comment above is self serving.

    1. As I have said before, I work very hard to produce an entertaining and informative blog. I do not feel inclined to provide a forum for you or anyone else to attack me – and you can do that at plenty of other blogs – which in fact you have.

      For the record, just because we approve a comment doesn’t mean we agree with it. Those are our readers’ sentiments. Politics can be a tough arena and those who opt to run have to expect a certain amount of blowback. If a candidate or their supporters are overly thin-skinned I recommend they not run for office or get involved in politics.

      Now let’s see if you are capable of sticking to the point – namely that it is a shame that there are NO SAUSD or RSCCD candidate forums. Is this by design? Did your friend John Palacio shut the debates down as he did two years ago? Is your candidate, Amezcua, afraid to debate her opponents?

      You belong to the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce Dr. Lomeli. Why don’t you make yourself useful and ask them to host these candidate forums?

  7. “Now let’s see if you are capable of sticking to the point – namely that it is a shame that there are NO SAUSD or RSCCD candidate forums.”

    I can do this no need to direct me. Let see if you can keep others on the subject without the name calling.

    “As I have said before, I work very hard to produce an entertaining and informative blog. I do not feel inclined to provide a forum for you or anyone else to attack me”

    Looks like you are providing a forum for others to attack some people.

    So the entertaining and informative aspect includes a forum to attack some and protect you and those you see worthy?

    “Politics can be a tough arena and those who opt to run have to expect a certain amount of blowback. If a candidate or their supporters are overly thin-skinned I recommend they not run for office or get involved in politics.’

    Why does this not apply to you?????

    I don’t belong to the Chamber.Why don’t you ask them……don’t you have any clout/credibility.

    1. If you think you can do this better feel free to start your own blog.

      Isn’t your pal Al Amezcua a chamber member? Doesn’t he support candidates forums? Why don’t you see if he can make this happen for the good of our community.

  8. I think all comments would be approved for a small fee of $5,150
    What does anyone expect from a person like Montana Santana, who’s not all there in the head, willing to pay a fee to have their comment posted in this lil blog?

  9. Dr. lomeli is sounding more and more and more like a PAID shill for efforts to undermine the cities stability.

    Let’s see, a Millionare dentist who stands to profit, lives outside the city limits and CAN NOT VOTE.

    He comments 327 times on local blogs (thats all I could find from 7-27 to today).

    He defends his canidates, but NEVER, NEVER ONCE answes the accusations.

    He uses the age old tactic of attacking his opponents, for what he does/is. Clever, for a suppossed amatuer.


    Here’s the best part for him, if by some long shot his favored canidates win and drive the city into complete and utter chaos, failure and bancruptcy, he still has a MILLION DOLLAR mansion to go home to in Orange. His kids, who NEVER set foot in a Santa Ana public school, will be fine, and his wife can go on shopping at Nordtrom, and the botiques in Enderly Plaza, while everyone else pays the price.

    So tell us one thing Doctor Lomeli: Why are you so interested involved in defending these folks, it would be insane, for you to have taken the positions you have just for fun.

    What gives, are you in or not? What’s the deal with Doc Lomeli…………Cricket’s is what we’ll here just like from the Psuedo Christan Pablo David Benavide’s.


  10. “Sadly blog comments sometimes fail to account for the fact that these are human beings we’re talking about. Running for office is a major undertaking and even if we don’t like a candidate we should appreciate that they are trying.”

    Except for Roman Reyna, David Benavides, Vince Sarmiento, and anyone who supports David, those people are definitely not human and we shouldn’t appreciate them one bit…..

  11. This election is pretty exciting knowing some well needed change is coming and all it took was a few extraterrestrials to make it happen. You smell that Art? No, not the maple syrup on your chin, I’m talking about the sweet smell of changes being made for a better Santa Ana. Don’t forget to vote Art!

  12. carpetbagger,

    Dude Stop the B.S. you do not live,work or have kids attending schools in Santa Ana.

    You are a anonymous hired attack dog for the Pulido campaign and nothing else.

    We live in a Democratic country that protects it’s citizen’s right of free speech. I have the right to state my opinion on subjects anywhere in this great country.

    If you wish to violate others constitutional rights then you should leave this country and go to one that has no democracy. Seems you would be happy there by involving yourself in that form of government.

    Your message is I can state my opinions and censure those that conflict with my opinions. Third World thinking and that scares the xxxx out of us.



  13. Editor says:
    September 26, 2012 at 6:50 pm
    If you think you can do this better feel free to start your own blog.

    Isn’t your pal Al Amezcua a chamber member? Doesn’t he support candidates forums? Why don’t you see if he can make this happen for the good of our community

    So this a yes to ………So the entertaining and informative aspect includes a forum to attack some and protect you and those you see worthy?

    I don’t belong to the Chamber.Why don’t you ask them……don’t you have any clout/credibility.

    You should be concerned with a conversation with the chamber president and not rely on me or Alfredo. If the chamber president is OK with it he will put it on the agenda for board discussion.

  14. Editor,

    Since you live here is your idea and won’t folow up on it is a greater LASTIMA!

    I guess you really don’t care about your city interested only in providing a forum for some to attack some individuals and protect yourself and those you feel worthy.

    1. As usual you are presumptuous and informed. I have been I am touch with our legislators and the SAUSD Superintendent about this. I had hoped you might be helpful but you clearly don’t care. Sad.

  15. You in contact with legislators and the SAUSD Superintendent? Why do you need my help? I certainly do not have more influence than they.

    If you feel I in some manner can influence the chamber president , legislators and the SAUSD Superintendent beyond what you can accomplish please let me know. I will be glad to help you.

    1. As I stated earlier, Al Amezcua, your friend, is a member of the Chamber. His own daughter is an SAUSD candidate. Surely you could implore Al to talk to the Chamber’s Board and get this done?

  16. Editor wrote,

    “I have been I am touch with our legislators and the SAUSD Superintendent about this.”

    So……..this isn’t going anywhere for you and you need Al Amezcua’s help, the same guy you consider a scum bag amongst other names and faults?????

  17. Editor,

    So……you are saying Amezcua has community value!!!!!

    So……you are saying I have value in Santa Ana regardless that I do not live in Santa Ana!!!!!!!


    1. If you had any value the two of you would have already done something about the lack of school board candidate debates in Santa Ana. Instead you have spent all day attacking me.

      Your values, or lack of them, are readily apparent.

  18. Below is what you said. This implies value. Thanks for the support.

    Editor says:
    September 27, 2012 at 2:01 pm
    So, to recap, you and Amezcua rather stew in bitterness instead of helping the community? Thanks clearing that up for us.

    Your post below reaffirms the value you place on us in a around way.

    You wishing for us to be involved in the community implies community value. THANKS.

    Editor says:
    September 27, 2012 at 2:19 pm
    If you had any value the two of you would have already done something about the lack of school board candidate debates in Santa Ana. Instead you have spent all day attacking me.

    Your values, or lack of them, are readily apparent


    1. And yet neither of you have done anything about the lack of debates and I am the only one raising the issue.

      Typical Republican. Unless an issue affects your pocketbook you just don’t care…

  19. The important thing at this minute is that you see value in us on how we can affect the Santa Ana Community in a positive manner. We appreciate this coming from your very much.

    Now how do you want us to assist you?

    1. Your pal Amezcua is a former Rancho Trustee, he is the president of the Kiwanis, and he is a chamber member. If he wanted a school board debate it would happen. Please ask him to get on this right away!

      1. No way Alfredo wants voters to see his “little” girl in action before the election. She is a miserable and angry woman and is in now way fit to serve. Just ask those stuck working with and for her at probation.

  20. Thank you for verifying Alfredo’s value to his community.

    ” If he wanted a school board debate it would happen. Please ask him to get on this right away!”

    You hold Alfredo in very high regard. He appreciates it.

    OK he will work on this right away on your behalf.

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