Earlier today, Newport Beach Fire Department crews responded to a two-vehicle collision at MacArthur and Bison. The collision occured about a block west of the 73 near two commercial centers surrounded by homes.
The impact was severe, with one vehicle striking two trees and a light pole before coming to rest in a drainage area. That car’s front end was completely demolished by the impact.

The other vehicle also sustained significant damage after colliding with a tree. That car ended up with its back to the tree. It is likely that this car too will be considered totalled by the driver’s insurance carrier.
Three patients were transported by NBFD units NM62, NM63, and NM67 to local area hospitals. No word yet as to their condition. The airbags in both vehicles appear to have been activated.

The NBFD appreciates the quick response of their teams and reminds everyone to stay alert and drive safely.
The cause of the collision was not disclosed.