SANTA ANA, Ca. (Jan. 15, 2022): A Tsunami Advisory has been issued by the National Tsunami Warning Center for the U.S. West Coast, including the San Diego County and Orange County coast. A volcanic eruption near the Tonga Islands of the South Pacific has generated a tsunami.
The first waves are expected to arrive in Orange County at approximately 7:55 a.m. Orange County beaches, harbors and piers are closed at this time until further notice, please check with your local city regarding closures.
Although no significant coastal flooding is expected, some areas could experience dangerous currents and tidal surges due to this tsunami along beaches and in harbors and marinas. The impact of this tsunami will be stronger than normal currents and possible higher than normal tidal surges along the beaches. Residents are encouraged to stay out of the water.
There will be strong outgoing tidal currents at the same time the tsunami arrives. The combined effect could produce very strong currents in harbors and bays. A Tsunami event is a series of waves that can last for several hours. The first wave is usually not the strongest.
Local Coastal Officials are monitoring the situation and directing all persons in the coastal areas to:
• Stay off the beaches and out of the harbors and marinas
· Do not go to the shore to observe the tsunami.
· Do not return to the coast until local emergency officials indicate it is safe to do so.
· Boat operators, where time and conditions permit, move your boat out to sea to a depth of at least 180 feet
• Local officials will determine when areas are safe to open
• Contact your local jurisdiction for more specific information
Do not call 9-1-1 unless you have a life-threatening emergency.
The Orange County Emergency Operations Center has been activated to a level three to monitor conditions and assist affected jurisdictions.