SANTA ANA, CA – The Santa Ana Zoo, “Home of the 50 Monkeys,” announced that it is open as an outdoor experience from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Parking is free. Zoo Members and children under age 3 are also free. Adults are just $12 each and Children ages (3-12) are just $9 each. You came as a kid, now come back with yours!
“For 68 years The Santa Ana Zoo has remained one of Southern California’s most memorable places for families and friends to come together, enjoy wildlife and learn about conservation and the wonders of nature,” says FOSAZ Executive Director Cathi Decker. “We are thrilled to share our outdoor experience and unique animals with the community.”
Also a scientific study shows that a zoo visit is good for your health. Walking through a zoo can elicit positive changes in physiological and psychological measures of health and well-being of visitors. The study titled “Changes in human health parameters associated with an immersive exhibit experience at a zoological institution” was published on April 17, 2020 by St. Louis Zoo researchers. The evidence from the study supports the role of zoos and other green spaces in providing health benefits to zoo visitors. “We need the human-animal-nature bond to ensure public health,” noted Dr. Deem, senior author of the study. The study shows how blood pressure, tension levels, energy and happiness all improve from a walk through a zoo with natural space and encounters with animals. So the next time you are planning an outing, think about improving your health by visiting the Santa Ana Zoo for a beautiful stroll through lush green walkways and the amazing feeling of looking into one of our majestic animals, like the howler monkey, anteater or guanaco.
The Zoo is taking all the precautions and measures to make sure that your visit will be safe. Social distancing, hand sanitizing stations and facial masks will be in effect to protect each other and the animals.
The Santa Ana Zoo is home to more than 260 animals, including 60 of the most interesting and engaging monkeys and several endangered species, like the golden lion tamarins. The Zoo is open Wed-Sun from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Closed Mon-Tues, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. To become a Member of the Zoo, please call (714) 953-8555 x10 or visit the Website. The Santa Ana Zoo in Prentice Park is located at 1801 East Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701.
For more information about the Zoo call 714-836-4000 or visit our website at: www.santaanazoo.org. You can also follow us on Twitter, join us on Facebook, or discover us on Instagram.