The Santa Ana Rotary Club donated 250 face shields and 300 meals to local first responders at Orange County Global Medical Center. Santa Ana’s El Pollo Norteno contributed food for the event.
Congressman Lou Correa and Santa Ana City Councillman Vince Sarmiento showed up at the event to help pass out face shields and meals.
The Santa Ana Rotary Club undertook this effort when they found out that local first responders lacked sufficient face masks as they contend with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The members of the various O.C. Rotary Clubs in District 5320 spent three weeks at five different locations actually making the face shields by hand. In total they made more than 70,000 face shields and masks to give away to our local medical professionals at various local hospitals. Click here to learn how you can support this ongoing effort.
Durante 3 semanas estuvimos trabajando en 5 diferentes lugares para hacer las face shields en todo el distrito 5320 logramos hacer más de 70k que se donaron a diferentes hospitales.
La donación de la comida fue una colaboración del Santa Ana Rotary Club y el Pollo Norteño.
Please mark your calendars with our 3 meetings of the month, with speakers as follows:
- May 6: Emily Hilker from the Alzheimer’s Association. Meeting link: Meeting ID: 851 5182 3115
- May 13: Yves Masquefa, founder of K[HER]UT. This is a non profit providing employment to survivors of human trafficking. General meeting will be followed by a board meeting.
- May 20: Our amazing GA, Anabella Bonfa, on how to improve your Linkedln profile.
Rotary Club of Santa Ana is a gathering of professionals who think and act both locally and globally. We are neighbors and global citizens uniting for the common good. Our club is a place to connect and build friendships while contributing to others. Come join us for a meeting and see for yourself!
Chartered in 1959, Rotary Club of Santa Ana has served our community myriad ways, both local and global. The focus has been on filling the practical needs of people of Santa Ana, and supporting the work of our fellow Rotarians around the world.
We meet the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Click here to learn how you can get involved in the Rotary Club of Santa Ana.