Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Our readers have voted and their overwhelming choice for Santa Ana’s Man of the Year in 2010, is Naui Huitzilopochtli, a local migrant rights activist and videographer, who got almost a third of the total vote.

The runner-up to Naui was Santa Ana artist Theo Hirsch, who you can friend on Facebook by clicking here.

Who knew what a firestorm would be set off when Naui and a few friends visited last year’s Santa Ana 4th of July event, which was held at the Santa Ana Public Library?  Naui, as always, brought his video camera and he was on the hunt for Minutemen.  He had heard that infamous Minuteman Lupe Moreno was heading up the event and he figured he might catch someone in the act of racism.  Well, he did.

One of Moreno’s Minuteman friends called Naui and his associates “wetbacks,” and Naui caught it on videotape.  Then we posted the video here – and it went viral.  It has been viewed over 10,000 times!  You can watch it again atop this post.

In the end, Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides got in hot water as he insisted on handing out certificates thanking Moreno and her Committee – but the members of that Committee were mostly Republicans and many of them did not live in Santa Ana.  The rest of the Santa Ana City Council refused to go along with this.

You can see the follow-up to the original video above. It depicts Benavides clearly interacting with Moreno at the event. And below you can see Moreno filing a false police report.

You can watch all of Naui’s amazing videos at this link.  And click here to friend him on Facebook.

Naui is very much involved with El Centro Cultural de Mexico and he is also a very proud papa.  I am honored to call him my friend.  Congratulations Naui!

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

28 thoughts on “The Santa Ana Man of the Year for 2010 is Naui Huitzilopochtli”
  1. Hey Art,

    I just checked the Voting and it seems that Theo and myself were tied at 19.88 percent…thank you for adding me there in the first place!



    1. Francisco,

      There must have been a surge of voting at the end. Congratulations Francisco! You are in good company with Naui and Theo!

  2. I don’t think Naui is very involved at el Centro Cultural de Mexico, he’s actually more involved with other groups that meet and have presentations and workshops at CCM.

  3. So you have Naui, a guy that like to screw with old white people and Theo who like to take pictures of himself screwing with christ!

    And here is why illegal immigrants will NEVER get amnesty and why liberals are only 20% of the nation!

    You have a racist and a disgusting liberal as your Men of Santa Ana? These two people are complete retards! Sorry! They have never did anything for anyone except cause them grief and encourage hate against a race and religion!!!

    I suppose it fits: scummy city with scumbag men of the year!


    1. Naui is not a racist – he exposes racists. He is a great guy and a wonderful dad.

      Theo is a hero in Downtown Santa Ana. He stands up for civil rights consistently.

      Our city is NOT scummy and neither are these men.

  4. Art, I seen the post were he gleed the fact that a kid was denouncing his religion/cross because it was part of the WHITE culture!

    I have been in this country long enough to recognize a racist and he is one, with out a doubt.

    I really do believe it a a cultural thing with Mexicans! They go on about this being their land and we are going to get it back! like we as europeans would rather move out than have to listen to a bunch of racist fools chatter on about this piece of dirt!

    Naui, it a rude and obnoxious fool and an inspiration to know one, especially people of good sense!

  5. “Naui is not a racist – he exposes racists. He is a great guy and a wonderful dad.”

    MQ says:

    The fact that this man has reproduced makes me think only one thing! Sad! I hope he is married, but likely because of the culture in Santa Ana he is not! I also hope the mom is an appropriate age!

    Theo is just an example of a decaying culture who has lost all morality and commons sense! I am not a religious person, but any one who violates any one’s beliefs with such a complete disregard is nothing but a idiot!

    I know humanity well and these do are NOT a good example of it!

    Hard but true!

    Ok, Naui: Bring on your pathetic “you need to get laid” response! Or silence!



  7. Someone has too! I think I opened his world to less fragile white people! I am his first young opponent!

    You loca too! 🙂

    Happy New Year Miss Just in time!

  8. Michelle Quinn history is important you should read American Holocaust by a cool white man David E. Stannard or just get laid because you are a hateful bitter person .

  9. Michelle, as an illegal alien, you do not have the right to complain about anyone else being, in your words “illegal”, when it was your ancestors who came here and murdered, raped, and pillaged, and used “God” as an excuse to commit these tragedies and steal my land. And also, I’d normally have pity on the elderly, but not when these White, racist neo-Nazis tell indigenous people like myself to go back home, when I AM at home, it’s invaders like you who need to heed your own advice.

    You people are too much. A trip back to Europe would suit you perfectly.


  11. Why is it TGO that brown people in Cuba are way cool! or is it just the cultural difference???

    You have Ruben in Florida (wonderful) and then you have the Naui’s from Mexico!

    Hugh difference’s! They even wear Tee Shirts with one of the most hated people not only in Cuba, but the rest of the world!!! And they LOVE him!!!

    Hi bud, can we like each other: Are you brown and proud! 🙂

  12. Michelle Quinn history is important:

    MQ says:

    History is important, but it is history, the past! Millions of people all over this world have been oppressed and murdered for many reasons! It is the future that you should be more concern about. Like the future of many of the kids coming out of Santa Ana schools barely having the basics to get them though life. The future welfare recipient and child mothers!

    You focus on the past and I learn from the past to create and better future!

    You are blind because bitterness and hate is born of focusing on the past! I am not the one with the video tape shoved into people’s faces to hopefully create that past chip on your shoulder!

    Nice start to an open conversation. Learning to respect your foe is very important! Since you see my skin color as your enemy!

    Men, women and children with brown skin all over this world would love to have the chance to live in this country so they can get away from the past and create a future! It pisses me off that people like you waste the space that could relieve their suffering!

  13. Michelle your igorance is bliss . First most Cubans in Miami are white , some are those exiles, that a good white person Fidel Castro kicked out . If you are talking about the “brown ones”are you talking about the Afro-Cubans ? You are a dumb American .

  14. Thank you to all the people that voted for me . Theo and Franciso are cool people , i have met them before . I will continue to confront nazis , minutemen , teabaggers , Christian hypocrites and other racist . Michelle are these the old people that you are talking about ?

  15. Oh look, all the little racist Mexicans coming out of the shadows! Come in and do your best!

    Please don’t hit the like button for me! I like to be the only one in the room fighting my own battles! I am not in to the tribe/gang mentality!

    Thats kinda caveman!

  16. Don’t you just love stupid people? The fine American education just bombarding the blogs of the Internet, will it ever cease?

  17. Don’t you just love stupid people?

    MQ says:

    No, I don’t! Especially grown men screwing a religious icon in the aXX! It is kinda stupid; don’t you think? I would say you are more than stupid, I would say you are a moron and like most morons who seem to vomit out of Santa Ana; you have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything!

    And really will it ever cease, that idiots think they are artist’s because they can down load photos of lewd acts with religious icons!


  18. “Although The Crime of Cuba was written many years ago, it provides an informative look into the the roles race and ethnicity played in pre-Castro Cuba. The term pre-Castro is used because Fidel Castro outlawed racial discrimination and acts of racism”

    MQ says:

    First little lesson: 61% white, 20+ present brown and 10% black in cuba!

    Roughly 20% of Mexican nationalist’s are here in the US!

    Second: White Castro outlawed racial discrimination!

    I am Irish born with American citizenship and I am sure as heck not dumb! A little bit red faced are we?

    Cubans are way cool!

  19. Michelle, a little jealous are we? Do something productive so you can be added to the list of Bitch of the Year award ok?

  20. Obviously Naui got his votes by sending out emails to racists such as the Mexica Movement.
    I feel sorry for that little girl in the picture, because she will be trained to hate whites like Naui.

  21. Are you talking about the same Naui who calls Black people who have conservative views about politics as “Uncle Toms” and “House Slaves.” Or calls Mexican/Central American descent people who have conservative views about politics “Coconuts” “Vendidas” and “Vendidos.” Or the same Naui who called Joe Arpaio an “Italian Anchor Baby.” Or calls White people “True Illegal Aliens.” This Naui guy is a hypocrite. Kind of like the Brown Skinned version of David Duke.

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