The Association of Orange County Deputy District Attorneys (AOCDDA) has officially endorsed Orange County Disrict Attorney Todd Spitzer for reelection.
“As the prosecutors who tirelessly work every day to keep Orange County safe, the AOCDDA is extremely proud to endorse District Attorney Todd Spitzer for reelection,” said Cyril Yu, Chair, AOCDDA Civic Action Committee. “After serving as our District Attorney for three years, we know first-hand how Todd Spitzer has worked to make positive and impactful reforms within the OCDA’s office, promoted a transparent and accountable environment, and relentlessly prosecuted the worst offenders of our society.”
“We have full trust and confidence in District Attorney Spitzer’s ability to run the office with integrity and keep our community safe. The District Attorney’s reelection is critically important for maintaining public safety in Orange County – we encourage everyone to support Todd Spitzer,” Yu concluded.
“It means a great deal to me to have earned the trust and respect of Orange County’s front line prosecutors,” said Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer. “They are the ones who have worked side by side with me everyday for the past three years to keep our County safe and improve our criminal justice system.”
“The AOCDDA understands the threat that pro-criminal District Attorneys pose to a prosecutor’s role in the criminal justice system, and the safety of Orange County residents,” Spitzer continued. “Their support is also a direct rejection of false and politically motivated attacks against my office.”
The AOCDDA endorsement adds to a growing list of community support for Spitzer, which now includes all sectors of the District Attorney’s Office (legal, bureau, and clerical/support staff), as well as the Orange County Employees Association, Hispanic 100, California Women’s Leadership Association PAC, Crime Victims United, Crime Survivors PAC, Veterans Alliance of Orange County (VALOR), Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, Orange County Professional Firefights Association, IAFF Local 3631, Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, Orange County Taxpayers Association, Orange County BIZPAC, Westminster Police Officers’ Association, Santa Ana