The Orange County Auditor-Controller’s Office has released this year’s Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), also known as the Citizens’ Report, a summarized guide to the in-depth County Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). Both reports reflect information from the 2021-22 Fiscal Year which began on July 1, 2021 and ended on June 30, 2022.
“I am pleased to present the Citizens’ Report for the County of Orange,” said Orange County Auditor-Controller Frank Davies. “This year’s report once again reflects that the County of Orange continues to be in sound financial position with an increase of $1.4 billion in total net position from FY 2020-21. I hope that this report will help everyone understand our complex County finances in a simple yet engaging format.”
Each year the Auditor-Controller’s Office chooses a County agency to highlight as part of the report’s theme. This year’s report includes a “then and now” look at the Auditor-Controller’s Office. The cover includes a photo of County Auditor Leslie H. Eckel (1941-1957) and his Executive Team, alongside the current Auditor-Controller and Executive Team. This historical perspective is carried throughout this report using photographs of Auditor-Controller staff, past and present.
The prior report, for FY 2020-21, once again received the award for outstanding achievement in popular annual financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the 19th consecutive year.
To download a copy of the Citizens’ Report or view the report online, click here, or visit the Auditor-Controller’s website at ocauditor.com/reports/citizens-reports. A hard copy of the report is available upon request at pioac@ac.ocgov.com.