Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Recall Judge Marc Kelly

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Contact: Kelsey Eiben (714) 676-8879

Advocates of Recall Judge M. Marc Kelly From The Bench Campaign Release Statement On Judge Kelly Response

(Santa Ana, CA)-Today, Bryan Scott, Founder and Chairman of the Recall Judge M. Marc Kelly campaign, and Patricia Wenskunas, Founder and CEO of Crime Survivors, Inc., released a statement in reaction to Judge Kelly’s official response to the petition of notice to recall.

“Judge Kelly can talk about other decisions he has made throughout his career, which I find to be arrogant, but it will never make up for his horrific decision to go easy on a child sexual predator. This recall is a way to show support and protection for crime victims everywhere; past, present, and future,” said Patricia Wenskunas.

“It’s unfortunate, but not surprising, Judge Kelly offered no apology or remorse for ignoring the well-being of the 3-year old female victim when giving an unprecedented low sentence to her rapist. His attempt to redefine ‘judicial independence’ as a license for him to ignore the law and dismiss the needs of innocent children is insulting to our intelligence. His response and lack of compassion for crime victims, especially children, showcases the importance of his immediate removal from the bench. Now it is up to the voters to right his wrong,” responded Chairman Bryan Scott.

Click Here for a copy of Judge Kelly’s Official Response.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

One thought on “The campaign to recall Judge Marc Kelly reacts to his arrogant response”
  1. he should not be allowed to preside over any cases until this matter is settled .

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