As Southern California transitions into the post pandemic, “new normal,” that means teachers and children will be returning to their classrooms. School staff may be ready for some change, but, as 16 year-old Santa Ana local Cidney Stallworth, has witnessed, many younger aged children are not.
Cidney and her friends at HWPL organized a food and supply donation to the International School of Science and Culture (ISSAC), a public charter school serving students of Orange County, in honor of National Kindergarten Day. ISSAC teaches students of grade levels ranging from Transitional Kindergarten to 8th grade.
Stallworth, a high school senior and aspiring future teacher who helps take care of her younger brother Duke, often struggles just to get the six year old out the front door.
“When he gets to school, I see how much teachers are struggling to get young students readjusted to the in class learning system- it’s become foreign to them” Stallworth said. “But I also see how patient and dedicated these teachers are, and I just felt like I should thank them.”
In light of National Kindergarten Day, recognizing the struggle of teachers as they transition youth back to in class learning, Stallworth, her mother, and other young volunteers from the peace non profit, Heavenly Culture World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL) donated food and school supplies to support the process of returning children.
The volunteers fundraised, prepared and donated the meals and supplies to teachers and kindergartners at International School for Science and Culture. HWPL, being an organization built on peaceful education, plans to donate and inspire school staff and students throughout the region with hopes that this will be a kickstart to a safe and fruitful year of learning for the children.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a world peace organization working to establish peace in our local and international communities. Through local volunteer work, peace education in schools, and international law, HWPL is focused on encouraging and educating communities on how to maintain peace, tolerance, and kindness amongst all peoples. Currently on the international level, HWPL issued a statement calling for leaders to settle the crisis in Myanmar through consensus based on mutual respect and understanding and engage in dialogue to seek a peaceful resolution.