By: Theo Hirsch, Santa Ana artist and musician
On [Santa Ana] Art walk nights, Jack “JackOffCity” Jakosky sits in the Santora Basement scouring at all of the people who come downstairs with his Nazi/German [looking] girlfriend, like some paranoid wannabe-Hitler figure who can’t really communicate to anyone (a guy like this would probably imprison the planet if he had the charisma to actually communicate with people). He sits there in wait to make sure that no one has any fun, and to make sure they close down the basement by 10 pm on a Saturday night art walk night.
Where does this “Jackoff” get time to suppress people’s fun like that? The old owner never even came by the place, ever. I can’t believe this “JackOff” doesn’t have anything better to do. Or, I can’t believe someone would buy a building like that, and then not want to add to what was already there instead of take it away and ruin the art scene. Or, why he would not want to get to know the community that was already going on, is beyond me.

He has made all the studios look like jail cells for a reason. Ever thought about buying a Prison, “JackOffCity?” The prison industry would be perfect for a numbers-pushing, sociopath like yourself. $70 billion a year from the drugs wars alone in that industry, “JackOffCity,” you should totally look into it. Not to mention all the false arrests, and the millions of prisoners that are entirely dependent on the industry, dysfunctional and in and out of jail. I think they pay the prison owners 50K plus per year, per prisoner. I dunno, just a thought for you “JackOff.” Seems like something you would be into since you seem to be into the misery of community members.
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I remember I met this guy Jack and I can say I immediately didn’t like him. I could tell he didn’t like me or anything that the Santora Artist village was all about.
He got rid of Memphis and a whole grip of bartenders that I work with and know personally had there life put into turmoil because of this man. This is what happens when some greedy asshole buys up a building and wants to “get the most out of it” he intern ruins a good thing.
The whole Irony is if it wasn’t for the artists and small business owners who came into the neighborhood to attract money and talent you wouldn’t have had a neighborhood to gentrify in the first place. But then again, I also blame the tenants for not coming together to try to buy the building themselves to prevent these agents of cancer from amalgamating.
I hope you have fun with all your bourgeoisie puppet artists that you plan to put in there. God knows how many paintings of baskets of fruit that 60 something year olds want to put into their nice estates on top of the Anaheim Hill or in Newport Beach.
The Santora is a metaphorical microcosm of the larger community and the entire planet as a whole. it was managed much better when the gallery owners that were taking primary responsibility for the place actually embraced the community and dedicated themselves to understanding all of the pros and cons of individual needs needs and benefits.
Theo is correct, we are now stuck with a Nazi Alien (kind of like an illegal alien, only “legal”) that has absolutely no interest in sharing his “Ownership” property and his legal “Authority” with the community interests at large.
The current ownership partners, (Remember there are other partners in the L.L.C. partners that cowardly hide behind Jacko) are Anti- Santa Ana, Anti -Artists Village, and Anti-community.
Make no mistake about it.
and take notes on who does “Own” your society and who wants to own more of it.
Given Theo’s lack of talent, it’s not surprising he gets government assistance and free cheese to feed his family. Just another no talent hack complaining about his lot in life.