Increasing COVID-19 cases has caused a driver shortage at Waste Management. As a result, there will be no CURBSIDE RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING collection this week. Please do not place any recycling carts at the curb for collection and remove any recycling carts already at the curb. Normal collection service will resume on Monday, January 10, 2022, with collection on your regularly scheduled service day. For next week only, excess recyclables that do not fit in your cart can be bagged and placed at the curb next to your cart.
Please note this affects RECYCLING CART COLLECTION ONLY (gray carts). Trash (burgundy carts) and green waste (green carts) may continue to be placed at the curb to be collected as regularly scheduled.
Please contact Waste Management Customer Service Center at 714-558-7761 with additional questions. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate the impacts of this pandemic.
Recolección de Reciclaje Está Atrasada