SANTA ANA, Calif. – More than 70 coastal timeshare intervals at resorts such as the Marriott Newport Coast Villas and the Four Seasons Pacifica are scheduled for an online auction held by the Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector beginning at 9 a.m. September 18.
Interested parties can view all the timeshare intervals for auction on the website but must register for a user ID at octaxauction.mytaxsale.com in order to download the entire listing. A list of all properties can be viewed at ocgov.com/octaxauction by clicking on the link titled “OC Timeshare Auction #1395.” Each parcel has other property related information and the website for each resort.
The Treasurer-Tax Collector does not have any other information on the parcel including the specific week(s) it is available. The timeshare intervals all have at least one installment of property taxes unpaid over five years and will be withdrawn if property taxes are paid in full.
If you are interested in bidding on a parcel, you will need to register as a user at octaxauction.mytaxsale.com and submit a refundable deposit of $1,000. Once you have registered, log into the site and click on “My Payments” and select “Submit Deposit.” All deposits must be made by eCheck (bank account) through the website to our third-party vendor, Grant Street Group, and received no later than 5 p.m. PST on September 10. Registration will not be permitted by mail or in person and will not be permitted after this date.
If you are not a successful bidder on a parcel, your deposit will be automatically refunded to your bank account within 10 business days after the close of the auction. Grant Street Group will transfer the deposits of all successful bidders to the County of Orange for credit toward the purchase.
To familiarize yourself with the auction site prior to the auction, click on “Property Tax Auction Instructions” for frequently asked questions and detailed information on how to participate in the auction process. Bidders should read through the auction rules, use the recorded demonstrations to understand each aspect of participating in the auction, carefully review the Terms and Conditions and research all timeshares thoroughly before placing a bid.
Bidding on the timeshares will start at 9 a.m. PST with batches of properties scheduled to close through the stated close times posted online. This is a buyer beware sale and all sales are final.
If you have general questions regarding the tax auction, please e-mail us at ttcinfo@ttc.ocgov.com or call (714) 834-3411 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please direct any questions regarding the website or the bidding process to the Auction Administrator or call their customer support at (877) 274-9320 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. For questions regarding specific timeshares or resort information, please contact the resort directly using the Timeshare Contact Information provided at octaxauction.mytaxsale.com or ocgov.com/octaxauction.
I hope a person can find a bargain timeshare