The I-5 Central Corridor HOV Project is scheduled for nighttime paving activity for two nights, starting: Monday, June 15th and June 16th, 2020 from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The project is nearing completion for a future second carpool lane in each direction of I-5 between SR-55 and SR-57 to reduce congestion, alleviate bottlenecks, encourage ridesharing and improve traffic flow. The majority of the construction is expected to be completed this summer and at least one carpool lane north and southbound is scheduled to be available after July 2, 2020 for the Holiday weekend. The team has been working hard with the goal to meet this deadline.
The following closures are scheduled during nighttime hours:
• Northbound I-5: Left lanes between First and Fourth streets and SR-22
• Southbound I-5: Left lanes between the SR-57 Connector and Fourth Street
The following closures are scheduled to remain closed to facilitate expedited construction behind median barriers until one carpool lane in each direction is opened after 7/2/20:
• Northbound I-5 carpool lane: between Grand Avenue and SR-57
• Southbound I-5 carpool lane: between Bristol Street/La Veta Avenue and First Street
OCTA and Caltrans construction team has been expediting this work while traffic demand has been a lower from COVID-19 impacts. Should you have questions or issues with the construction please call (800) 724-0353 or e-mail central5fwy@octa.net.
To sign up for construction alerts or for more information, visit www.octa.net/i5Central.
Dates and times are subject to change if there is inclement weather or if there are unforeseen operational factors.