Patrol officers help a man turn in a “found” bike, according to the Irvine Police Department.
Police officers stopped a man riding a bike while carrying another bike that was missing a front tire. The rider said he “found” the second bike at a park.
The Irvine police officers we relieved the man of the burden of riding all the way to their station to turn in the “found” bike.
After admiring the man’s collection of Wild West gun lighters, officers issued him a citation for possessing drug paraphernalia.
If the green Diamondback bike looks familiar, contact the Irvine Police Department with a message via their Facebook page.
why wasn’t he arrested for the guns, “stolen” bike, and drug paraphernalia?
It seems the only charge the police had adequate evidence for was to cite him for the drug paraphernalia. Too bad. As for the guns they turned out to be lighters in gun shapes.