Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Paul Walters is no longer our city manager, but he remains a top fan of the cover band Cheap Date, which features his wife, Mary Walters, and her family – including Ellen Hirota, backup and occasional lead vocalist;  Tim Hirota, lead guitarist, vocalist and manager; Peter Hirota, drummer; Ann “Annie” Spencer, backup vocalist and tambourine; and Dominic Hirota, lead vocalist, as well as longtime band members second guitarist Jeff Halili and bassist Brian Satterfield, according to the O.C. Register.

And guess what?  We are in for a treat.  Cheap Date will be performing on  Saturday, February 16th, from 8:30pm – 11:30pm, at The Olde Ship in Santa Ana for a VERY special event.

Cheap Date will be raising money for one of their employees who is in real need of our help.  Here are some details:

There will be some amazing raffle prizes (over 75 prizes!), and they are accepting donations.

  • You may drop donations off at The Olde Ship (1120 W 17th St., Santa Ana, CA 92706) c/o Charissa Mercer OR…
  • You may mail donations to the same address, also c/o Charissa Mercer.

If you wish to participate in the raffles, tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. 🙂 You do not even have to be present to purchase the raffle tickets. If you wish to purchase raffle tickets by mail, when you send the money to Charissa, please specify that you want it to be for the raffles and please include your contact info (name & phone number.)

HOWEVER, you DO have to be there to eat, drink and party with the band! AND, ya gotta be there to throw money into the tip jar (which will ALSO be donated to the cause!)

AND… have to be there to hear the most bad ass, least rehearsed, highest alcohol content garage band in….the neighborhood!!

Truly, this is an important cause, and we hope to see you there!

By Editor

The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

6 thoughts on “Cheap Date to perform at the Olde Ship on 2/16, for a very good cause”
    1. LOL….
      Of course, Stanley, but understand that your ability to play music comes secondary to your ability to smoke cigars and drink!

      1. I am glad that you are entertained Tim which is a key element of my proposal.

        FYI, I do not smoke cigars and I do not play music.

        As mater of fact, I do not even know what a “flat E” means but I am a natural singer, good one, as is clearly apparent from my casting video with Vern Nelson who dos not know how to sing and was intentionally trying to force me to sing out of key by his high pitch squeaking.

        I am Joe Cocker class.

        I would be a good addition to your shtick.

        All my life I was waiting to be discovered and this may be it!

        I do already feel like a StanleyStar.

  1. I was at the show on Feb 16. Someone has to stop letting other people sing. Especially that dude with the dark rimmed glasses and flat cap who always tries to sing during Social Dist. or Ramones songs. He’s a wanna b, and can’t hold a tune. Why must people do this? Just because you like a song doesn’t give you the right to join the band as a singer. Just because you like the sound of your own voice doesn’t mean others do. Why the band puts up with this, I don’t know.

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