The remains of Vanessa Guillen, a 20-year-old soldier reported missing from a U.S. Army base in Texas in April, were recently found and a suspect killed himself as U.S. Marshals closed in on him, in Texas, according to Fox News.
A candlelight vigil in Guillen’s memory will be held in Santa Ana, on Friday, July 3, at the U.S. Army Recruiting Center located at 2142 N. Tustin Ave.
Guillen went missing from the U.S. Fort Hood Army post in Texas where she was stationed. She was last seen in the parking lot of her barracks on April 22, 2020. Before Guillen went missing, she informed her family that she was being sexually harassed by one of her sergeants at Fort Hood. She did not identify the man by name. Before her disappearance, Vanessa’s mother, Gloria, advised her to report him. Vanessa informed her mother that other women had reported the sergeant and that they were dismissed. In response, Vanessa stated that “she could put a stop to it herself,” out of fear that her mother would be harmed if her mother were to report the sergeant. A few weeks later, Vanessa disappeared, according to Wikipedia.
Guillen was a small arms repairer from Houston, of Hispanic descent, and she stood 5 feet, 2 inches tall, at 126 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.
Imagine there was a candlelight vigil for every single person gone missing.